nRF52840 Chip Bluetooth 5.0 Module: 300m Transmission Distance and 24Mbps Transmission Speed
The nRF52840 which launched by Skylab is a low-power 5.0 Bluetooth chip. It is a super upgraded version of nRF52832. However, the overall stability and performance of the nRF52840 chip have been greatly improved. Today we mainly introduce the functional characteristics of the nRF52840 Bluetooth 5.0 chip module.
nRF52840 can be widely used in the field of short-distance wireless communication. It has the characteristics of low power consumption, small size, long transmission distance and strong anti-interference ability. Compared with nRF52832, it has larger Flash and RAM. 1MB Flash and 256kB RAM are integrated on-chip. Support Bluetooth 5.0, 802.15.4, ANT and 2.4GHz proprietary protocols. Also compatible with nRF51 and nRF24 series.
Features of Bluetooth 5.0 Module
(1) The transmission distance is longer
The effective working distance of Bluetooth 5.0 can reach 300 meters, which is more power-saving than Wi-Fi. This makes the advantages of Bluetooth 5.0 modules used in smart home products very obvious. The longer transmission distance of the Bluetooth 5.0 module brings a more robust and reliable smart home IoT connection.
(2) The transmission speed is faster
The Bluetooth 5.0 module has a faster transmission speed, and the upper limit of the transmission speed is 24Mbps. It means that the data transmission between the smart wearable device embedded in the Bluetooth 5.0 module and the mobile phone and computer is more convenient and fast. Whether it is data synchronization or message push, it can be Bring a better experience to users.
(3) Lower battery power consumption
Compared with the Bluetooth 4.2 module, the Bluetooth 5.0 module greatly reduces power consumption. Lower power consumption means longer battery life for various wireless smart devices embedded with Bluetooth 5.0 modules. That is, devices such as smart watches, bracelets, smart hearing aids, and smart glasses can last longer.
(4) More extensive application
The performance of the Bluetooth 5.0 module has been improved in all aspects. It can serve smart home devices with lower power consumption and higher performance. In addition, it can expand the application of Bluetooth in wearable devices, industrial and IoT devices.
Features of nRF52840 Bluetooth chip
The RF52840 is an advanced, highly flexible single-chip solution. It is suitable for today's increasingly demanding ULP wireless applications. Used in our personal connected devices, connected living environments and the Internet of Things in general. The nRF52840 adds the best level of security to the CortexTM-M series. And is equipped with an on-chip ARM cryptographic accelerator.
The nRF52840 uses the same hardware and software architecture as the existing nRF52 series SoCs. At its core is the ARM Cortex-m4 processor. It allows for faster and more efficient computation of complexities. functions for DSP and those that require floating point math. Both FLASH and RAM have wide memory availability, 1MB/256KB respectively.
The nRF52840 is ready to take advantage of the arrival of the Bluetooth 5 specification. Considerable performance improvements over Bluetooth LE. On top of that it has a wider range of support for me (up to x4 compared to bluetooth 4.x). Over-the-air data rates have doubled from 1Mbps in bluetooth 4.x to 2Mbps.
Features of nRF52840 Bluetooth chip
(1) Support Thread wireless communication protocol
(2) Support Bluetooth 5.0 and multi-protocol
(3) Support Bluetooth 5.0 data rate: 2Mbs, 1Mbs, 500kbs, 125kbs
(4) 32-bit ARM Cortex M4F processor, 64MHz clock
(5) High-speed 2Mbs data rate
(6) Up to 104dB link budget
(7) Full Speed 12Mbs USB Controller
(8) On-chip NFC-A tag
(9) Application development independent of the protocol stack
(10) Output power -20dBm ~ 8dBm
(11) Receive sensitivity -96dBm
(12) Compatible with nRF52, nRF51, nRF24L, nRF24AP series air packets
(13) ARM TrustZone Cryptocell 310 Cryptographic Accelerator
(14) Wide supply voltage range: 1.7v ~ 5.5v
(15)SPI/UART/PWM interface
(16) 32M high-speed SPI interface
(17) All digital interfaces support EasyDMA
(18)12bit/200k SPS ADC
(19) 128-bit AES/ECB/CCM/AAR coprocessor
(20) Single-ended antenna output (on-chip balun)
(21) On-chip DC-DC step-down converter
(22) Quadrature Decoder (QDEC)
(23) All peripheral modules support independent power management
(24) Provide up to 25mA regulated current for external components
In summary
Bluetooth 5.0 improves the transmission speed, communication distance and communication capacity. Bluetooth 5.0 series modules can be widely used in smart home, smart wearable devices, smart medical, automotive equipment, instrumentation and other fields.
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SKYLAB蓝牙模块SKB369基于Nodic nRF52832,支持BLE,ANT,NFC和2.4G RF多种无线传输协议! nRF52832是知名的nRF51822的后续作品,它将BLE SoC带到了一个新的高度。这款产品有很多让人兴奋的地方,它带来了更高的性能、更低的功耗以及更多的功能。
【产品】超低功耗蓝牙5.2 SoC nRF52820,具有功能强大的64MHz 32位ArmCortex-M4处理器
继nRF52840之后,天工测控nRF52系列又新增一员大将,nRF52820蓝牙5.2系统级芯片(SoC)。据Nordic官方介绍这款nRF52820器件是功耗超低的低功耗蓝牙、蓝牙mesh、Thread、Zigbee和2.4 GHz专有低端无线连接解决方案。nRF52820具有蓝牙5、5.1和5.2的全部功能,包括长距离传输和2 Mbps高吞吐量、寻向、低功耗功率控制和低功耗同步通道。
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描述- SKB360I是一款高度集成的蓝牙4.0低能耗模块,基于Nordic nRF51822无线电收发器IC设计。该模块具备32位ARM Cortex-M0 CPU、闪存内存和模拟数字外设,适用于高数据速率、短距离无线通信。它提供低功耗和超低成本解决方案,支持多种数据传输应用。
型号- SKB360I,NRF51822
描述- SKB501是一款多协议蓝牙5/ANT模块,适用于低功耗无线应用。该模块支持蓝牙5和802.15.4标准,具备长距离和高数据传输率的特点。它采用nRF52840芯片组,提供丰富的接口和功能,包括GPIO、I2C、SPI、UART等,并符合RoHS和FCC/CE认证。
型号- NRF52840,0926701,SKB501-XXPI,09267,SKB501-CSPI,0926702,SKB501-CSEI,SKB501
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How to use nordic nrf52832 module for indoor?
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描述- 本资料为Skylab M&C Technology Co., Ltd生产的SKU610超宽带(UWB)模块的技术数据手册。该模块基于Decawave的DW1000 UWB收发器IC,符合IEEE 802.15.4-2011 UWB标准。它集成了NRF52832微控制器和一个2.4G陶瓷天线,支持蓝牙连接。文档提供了详细的电气规格、引脚分配、参考电路图、PCB尺寸和制造工艺建议。
型号- SKU610,LIS2DH12,09364,NRF52832,DW1000
描述- 该文档为Skylab M&C Technology Co., Ltd生产的SKU609超宽带(UWB)模块的技术数据手册。该模块基于Decawave的DW1000 UWB收发器IC,集成了UWB和蓝牙天线、所有射频电路、Nordic Semiconductor nRF52832微控制器和一个运动传感器。它适用于医疗保健、工业、零售和消费电子等领域。
型号- LIS2DH12,09356,SKU603,SKU609,DW1000,NRF52832
最小起订量: 2500 提交需求>
支持Bluetooth SIG最新的测试规范,支持2.0(EDR), 2.1(EDR), 3.0(HS), 4.0(LE)规范, 并且能完整覆盖BR/EDR/HS/BLE的所有射频测试项目。测试标准:RF.TS/4.03 ;RF-PHYTS/40.3。
实验室地址: 深圳 提交需求>
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