Xinyun Technology Launches Low-Cost Integrated CDR Chipsets Optimized for Next Generation Datacom and Telecom Networks
Hangzhou Xinyun Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as XY TECH) has In August 2022 completed the development of its next-generation CDR product family, successfully launched monolithically integrated CDR and trans-impedance amplifier ICs, such as XY5424V for 100G SR4 applications and XY5424 for 100G LR4/CWDM4/PSM4 applications. The XY5424 integrated CDR/TIA product family are single-chip products supporting 4x25/28G dual-rate applications, ideally suited for the ever-increasing market requirements of higher bandwidth, higher speed, smaller size, and lower cost. The launch of these differentiating products follows the successful mass production and volume shipments of its 100% internally-developed CDR product family.
Xinyun Tech’s 100G CDR+TIA products (XY5424 product family) are differentiating, high-quality complete product solutions developed and driven by the goal of supporting 5G and 100G+ high-speed network deployment with domestic IC products. This product family fully supports the construction of Data Center infrastructure in digital transformation, and empowers many major national projects such as the East-to-West Computing Resource Transfer Project. For Xinyun Tech, it also represents an important milestone of product offering addressing both datacom and telecom needs. Since Q2 2022, the XY5424 product family has undergone DVT, 500-hour reliability testing, customer evaluation, and small batch shipments.
Figure 1: 100G LR4/CWDM4/PSM4 & SR4 Transceiver Solutions
Xinyun Tech’s complete IC and OSA solutions significantly simplify the design of miniaturized high-density pluggable modules. With the optimization of other key processes, these complete solutions can greatly enhance product performance, improve reliability, and reduce the overall module power consumption, PCB size, and cost. This series of CDR products can greatly minimize the effects of signal jitter in the communication links. The extensive customer testing and verification demonstrate that the CDR product family of XinYun Tech outperforms the mainstream competing products in key areas. In addition, in terms of product experience, Xinyun Tech’s complete IC and OSA solutions substantially simplify the module development and assembly process, provide greater flexibility to meet application and operational needs, help customers further reduce costs, and achieve performance upgrades and user-friendliness. On the whole, XinYun Tech’s CDR product family is an ideal chipset solution for COB optical modules for 100G LR4/CWDM4/PSM4 & SR4 applications.
The electrical output eye diagram and sensitivity performance of the CDR+TIA integrated chips are shown in Figure 2-3 below:
Figure 2: XY5424 electrical output eye diagram at -11dBm optical input power
Figure 3: XY5424 optical sensitivity test results at various temperatures
Xiaoyong Luo, IC product line Director of Xinyun Tech, stated, "In the past year, with our 100G CDR product family which fully met the requirements of PTN, mid-haul, and backhaul networking equipment, Xinyun Tech, together with our excellent domestic and foreign customers, have participated in the high-efficiency, high-speed and reliable bearer network construction, providing strong support for domestic '5G changes society'. The launch of the CDR product family integrating DML drivers and TIA chips is a testament to Xinyun Tech's focus and success in the research and development of next-generation low-cost 100G solutions. These differentiating product solutions will help Datacom and telecom customers save investment costs and at the same time significantly enhance product performance. Xinyun Tech will continue to focus on developing domestic high-end IC product solutions, and strive to become the best long-term partner of our customers."
1. CDR: Clock and Data Recovery.
2. DML: Directly Modulated Lasers.
3. TIA: Trans-Impedance Amplifier.
Low-Cost integrated CDR chipsets Information
XY5924D is a high-performance four-channel CDR with an integrated 25/28Gbps DML driver. The XY5924D chip adopts an advanced eWLB package, which provides low output jitter laser driving current, and the chip power consumption is about 1.7W. The XY5924D chip integrates a four-channel CDR and provides an adaptive input equalization function. The chip output has a built-in flexible de-emphasis adjustment function, which can be adapted to different laser products. In addition, the chip supports 24.3Gbps~28.05Gbps continuous rate adaptive Retime mode, supports the Bypass mode of legacy or non-standard data rates, and supports various data rate requirements such as 100G EDR Infiniband, 100G BASE, OTU4, 32G Fibre Channel, etc.
XY5424 is a high-performance Four Channel 25G/28Gbps CDR with Integrated TIA. The power consumption of the chip is about 0.85W. The XY5424-BT2 channel spacing is 250um and as the main product, it meets the 100G LR4 and CWDM4 requirements. The XY5424-BT7 channel spacing is 750um, which can be used for traditional Zblock applications to achieve better product performance. This chip supports 24.3Gbps~28.05Gbps continuous rate adaptation and supports various data rate requirements such as 100G EDR Infiniband, 100G BASE, OTU4, and 32G Fibre Channel. The chip is supplied as a bare die, which can meet the low power consumption requirement.
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【产品】双向四通道、功耗低至100mW的Driver、TIA、CDR整体方案用于PAM4高速光模块应用 | 视频
【产品】美格智能携5G模组、5G BOX、5G CPE亮相MWC高通5G毫米波展区
2月23日,一年一度的全球移动通信产业年度盛会2021世界移动通信大会(MWC)在上海隆重开幕。会上,由中国联通和GSMA主办、高通技术公司支持的5G毫米波展区精彩亮相。美格智能作为高通重要的战略合作伙伴,携旗下5G毫米波系列产品(5G模组SRM825W、5G BOX SRT825W和5G CPE SRT856)亮相高通5G毫米波展区。
Laird公司提供一系列有效的毫米波频谱吸收材料,吸收材料有各种形式,包括聚氨酯泡沫,硅树脂或聚氨酯弹性体,以及一系列可用于注塑的热固性材料。Laird公司推出了几种毫米波频谱吸收材料产品,主要包括:ECCOSORB 5G MeF 1、ECCOSORB 5G HiF 1、CoolZorb 5G和FlexK-LoK 5G。
目录- 公司简介 Timing BU Introduction VRM LDO & BuckBoost
型号- AU4562,AU5424,AU5425,AU5426,AU5327BC1-QMR,AU5325BC1-QMR,AU5620,AU5508,AU560X,AU5315AC0-QMR,AU5328,AU532X,AU8010AA-QNR,AU5329,AU8014EB-QNR,AU5329B-QMR,AU8310A0-WMR,AU5325BC2-QMR,AU5411A-QMR,AU5327BC2-QMR,AU8014EA-QNR,AU8013EB-QNR,AU4531,AU5X82,AU8941,AUXXXX,AU5410,AU5411,AU571X,AU531X,AU5615,AU5424G,AU5617,AU5317AC0-QMR,AU5424A,AU5410A-QMR,AU8014A,AU8013EA-QNR,AU8012AA-QNR,AU5X8,AU8011CA-QNR,AU4592
目前,针对功耗问题,推出了一种创新的光模块设计:LPO(Linear-drive Pluggable Optics)。这种设计通过取消传统的DSP和CDR芯片,在驱动芯片和跨阻放大器上分别集成连续时间线性均衡(CTLE)与均衡(EQ)功能,实现了低功耗、低成本和低延时的目标。这不仅简化了模块结构,提高了维护的便捷性,还支持热插拔功能。
芯耘光电携业界领先的400G/800G 应用的全系列解决方案亮相2024CIOE
芯耘光电将展示业界领先的400G/800G 应用的全系列Driver、TIA、CDR、MZM、硅光解决方案及全国产化光器件解决方案参加2024年深圳光博会。
【应用】国产芯耘光电4通道CDR芯片助力100G ER4光模块产品设计,下电状态下功耗低至0.025W
某客户在设计一款100G ER4光模块产品时,接收端需要用到一颗4通道的CDR芯片,要求产品性能较高、功耗要低、输出抖动低、灵敏度高,结合客户实际需求,本文推荐国产芯耘光电的4通道CDR芯片XY5124,具有自适应输入均衡功能,可以满足客户的设计应用需求。
芯耘光电提供以下技术参数的高速电芯片选型,通道数:1/4,每通道速率(Gbps):2.5~100,最大功耗(mW):75~1800,4CH×25G/28G CDR+TIA,DCDC for APD Bias,1CH×25G/28G DML Driver,25/28G Dual-CDR+EML Driver,4CH×25G/28G CDR+DML Driver,4CH×25G/28G DML Driver,1CH×25G/28G TIA for PIN,1CH×25G/28G TIA for APD,4CH×25G/28G TIA for APD,4CH×100G Linear TIA (750um Pitch),1CH×25G/28G Dual CDRs,4CH×25G/28G CDR+TIA for 100G SR4,1CH×50G/100G Linear TIA,25/28G Dual-CDR+DML Driver,4CH×50G Linear TIA (250um Pitch),10G APD TIA for ONU,4CH×25G/28G TIA,4CH×25G/28G EML Driver,4CH DCDC for APD Bias,4CH×25G/28G CDR+EML Driver,Control Chip,4CH×25G/28G CDR,1CH×25G/28G Diff-Out MZM Driver,1CH×25G/28G EML Driver,1CH×25G/28G Single-Out Driver,EPON & 10G EPON OLT Burst Mode TIA,4CH×25G/28G Diff-Out MZM Driver,XG-/XGS-PON OLT Burst Mode TIA
选型表 - 芯耘光电 立即选型
SFP28 25Gb/s 10km LWDM收发器(OP3010D-Lxx)可热插拔,双工LC,+3.3V,LWDM DFB+引脚,单模
描述- 本资料介绍了OPWAY公司的SFP28 25Gb/s 10km LWDM收发器(型号OP3010D-LXX)。该产品适用于以太网链路,支持高达25.78Gb/s的数据速率和最长10公里的连接长度。它符合SFF-8472标准,并具有内置的双向CDR功能。此外,还提供了详细的电气接口特性、光学特性和引脚定义。
型号- OP3010D-LXX,OP3010DI-LXX
SGM光模块/小基站应用解决方案 | ICT及5G通信专场 世强硬创新产品研讨会
描述- 本资料主要介绍了SGM公司在光模块和小基站应用解决方案中的高性能模拟器件。内容包括DC偏置控制器、CDR、TEC驱动器、PD+TIA、ADP驱动器等,并详细描述了各器件的功能、特性和应用场景。此外,还推荐了Miniaturized OPA、LDO、Load switch、DCDC等小型化器件,以及APD偏置、TEC驱动、EML DC偏置等解决方案。
型号- SGM41285B,SGM41285A,SGM41282,SGM41283,SGM8604-X,MP3430,ADN8834,SGM8558-2,MAX15059,ADN8835,SGM41285,SGM2564,SGM2567,SGM2566,SGM8604-1,SGM8604,SGM41291,SGM8605-1,SGM66099,SGM41282C,MP8833,SGM41299,SGM41295,SGM41296,SGM41298,SGM6032,SGM6031,SGM6030,SGM2031,SGM874X,SGM660,SGM2036,SGM8558,SGM2567A
芯耘光电推出全国产化4x25/28G LR4整体解决方案,赋能全行业多应用场景,已被国内部分主流光模块厂商采用
杭州芯耘光电科技有限公司携国内某光通信激光器公司隆重发布全国产化4x25/28G LR4整体解决方案。该方案分别基于芯耘光电自研全系列高速电芯片及该合作伙伴自研激光器,所有核心芯片和激光器均已规模化量产,并被国内部分主流光模块厂商采用。
Quad Channel 28G CDR with TIA Product XY5424S-BT2/7 Has a High Input Sensitivity Up to -12dBm
The XY5424S-BT2/BT7 is a high-performance 4ch CDR+TIA product. Its low-noise TIAs support for high-sensitivity requirement, such as 100GBase CWDM4/LR4. Small size makes it suitable for small-factor applications, such as QSFP28, CFP4, AOC (active-optical-cable), and it even can be co-packaged into a traditional optical BOX.
某客户需要对100G ER4光模块进行国产化设计,接收端需要用到4通道TIA和CDR,要求国产,性能与国外同类产品相当,功耗和抖动要求较低,灵敏度要高,推荐芯耘光电4通道CDR集成TIA芯片XY5424-BT7,XY5424-BT7采用750μm信道间距设计。
【应用】EML驱动器+CDR芯片XY5924E用于100G ER4光模块,可调输出摆幅达2.5Vpp
某客户设计的100G ER4光模块产品需要一款集成EML驱动器和CDR的小封装芯片用于模块的发射端。本文推荐芯耘光电推出EML驱动器+CDR芯片XY5924E,具有自适应均衡和外部调制激光器驱动器,支持-40℃至+85℃的工作温度范围。
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