5 Key Reasons to Choose a Planar Filter Over Conventional Filter Technology in Your Next RF Design
Understanding RF Filter technology to get the most effective solution.When looking at key market trends for RF & Microwave components such as; higher frequency, smaller size, lighter weight, higher power and reduced cost. It becomes apparent that traditional filtering techniques (ceramic resonator or lumped element styles) especially board level, surface mountable, will struggle to keep up with future technological demands.
This is where monolithic planar filter chip technology will become a necessity. This is especially important in the SATCOM, Radar and Broadcasting industries where they are pushing the RF design to be more compact, agile and reliable.
The following are five key reasons planar filter chip technology is surpassing traditional filtering techniques:
1. High Frequency
Due to material advances providing a wide array of substrate options, filter design engineers have multiple dielectric constants and loss tangent options available to provide RF performance that traditional filter packages simply cannot compete with.
2. Low Insertion Loss
The mechanical structure provides insertion loss and high rejection that traditional surface mount technologies simply cannot offer. Similar performance is only realized through much larger cavity configurations.
3. Small Size
The mechanical footprint is significantly reduced when compared to traditional ceramic resonator or lumped element style filters. This ultimately allows designers to save premium real estate on their PCB designs.
4. High Reliability
The monolithic construction, with proven thick and thin film process technology is well suited for harsh environment applications such as space, defense and medical. Whether it be mechanical shock, vibration or moisture sensitivity, these products are far more superior than their traditional counterparts.
5. Cost Effective
The products feature a very low degree of mechanical complexity and do not require any tuning allowing for a solution suited for high volume applications. These products will play a crucial role in 5G networks and LEO satellite constellations.
Planar X RF Filter Series
The new Planar X RF Filter Series compliments Smiths Interconnect’s broad portfolio of RF/Microwave components with bandpass, bandstop, lowpass and highpass configurations up to 18 GHz (Ku-Band) offering premium performance in a small package. The filters series is well suited for a wide array of applications and through the use of 3D EM simulation software can be tailored to suit your individual requirements. The frequency of operation can be further extended with added material and process capabilities.
Small Footprint – Reduced PCB Footprint
Light Weight – Reducing overall system mass in critical space applications
Excellent Rejection Characteristics – Providing best in class RF performance
Surface Mountable – Ideal solutions for Pick and Place Applications
In summary, RF & Microwave components are experiencing new trends and technology focusing on sophisticated, reliable, compact and cost-effective component solutions.
Decades of experience have positioned Smiths Interconnect well – both in designing and delivering state of the art RF and Microwave component solutions specifically engineered and designed to support the trends and technology of the future.
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微带滤波器自1952年以来一直在做同样的事情。它们仍然是工程师工具包中最重要的滤波器类型,通过使用各种介电基板材料和设计技术,微带滤波器得到了增强。Smiths Interconnect本文解析平面滤波器工作频率正在扩展到毫米波范围。
11PFX-10000/R4000-M X波段平面X滤波器
描述- 本资料介绍了Smiths Interconnect公司生产的X波段平面X滤波器,型号为11PFX-10000/R4000-M。该滤波器具有中心频率10000 MHz、带宽4000 MHz,插入损耗最大3.0 dB,停带衰减最小40 dBc,适用于-55至100摄氏度的温度范围。
型号- 11PFX-10000/R4000-M
SWaP challenges in the defence industry: How Smiths Interconnect rises to the challenge
The defence industry has exceptionally high connectivity demands, especially when it comes to size, weight and power (SWaP). Smiths Interconnect is an industry-leading provider of cutting-edge connectivity solutions to the defence sector for applications such as guidance systems, data links, manpack radios, radar systems (ground, air and shipboard), antenna systems and drones.
高达18GHz的射频滤波器解决方案Planar X系列带通、带阻、低通和高通滤波器的频率达到18GHz,在小型封装中提供了优异性能。利用史密斯英特康的厚膜工艺技术,在各种介质基材上使用,可在恶劣的环境中使用,仍具有高可靠性,从而实现小尺寸、轻重量和表面安装,是卫星通信、雷达和广播行业的理想选择。
3LPFX-12800-M X波段平面X滤波器
描述- 本资料介绍了一种X波段平面X滤波器,型号为3LPFX-12800-M。该滤波器具有12800 MHz的截止频率,最大插入损耗为-1.5 dB,最小阻带衰减为40 dBc。它适用于-55至100摄氏度的温度范围,并具有95%的相对湿度耐受性。
型号- 3LPFX-12800-M
Smiths Interconnect announces the launch of its Planar X Series of Thin Film Bandpass Filters for critical RF filtering in X, Ku, and Ka bands
Smiths Interconnect announces today the launch of its Planar X Series of Thin Film Bandpass Filters designed for applications in harsh environments. The Planar X Series provides system engineers with a high-performance, compact solution for critical RF filtering in X, Ku, and Ka bands.
Smiths Interconnect Expanded RF Filter Capability for European and Asian Markets
Smiths Interconnect has announced the availability of additional engineering and manufacturing capabilities for its broad range of RF filters supporting UHF, L, S, X, Ku, K, and Ka-Bands.
6PFX-15000/R6000-M K波段平面X滤波器
描述- 本资料介绍了Smiths Interconnect公司生产的K波段平面X滤波器系列,型号为6PFX-15000/R6000。该滤波器具有中心频率为15000 MHz,通带带宽至少为6000 MHz,插入损耗最大为1.5 dB,阻带衰减从DC到8000 MHz至少为-30 dBc,从22750到25000 MHz至少为-40 dBc。滤波器适用于-55至85摄氏度的温度范围,相对湿度为95%。资料还提供了推荐的PCB布局和销售及技术支持联系方式。
型号- 6PFX-15000/R6000-M
13IZ7-22000/6000-SR K波段腔体滤波器
描述- 本资料介绍了Smiths Interconnect公司生产的K波段腔体滤波器(13IZ7-22000/6000-SR)。该滤波器具有中心频率为22000MHz,3dB通带带宽至少为6000MHz,插入损耗在频段中间最大为0.64dBa。此外,还提供了功率处理能力、温度范围和相对湿度等关键参数。
型号- 13IZ7-22000/6000-SR
6PFX-15000/R6000-S K波段平面X滤波器
描述- 本资料介绍了Smiths Interconnect公司生产的K波段平面X滤波器(6PFX-15000/R6000-S)。该滤波器具有中心频率为15 GHz,通带带宽至少为6 GHz,插入损耗最大为1.5 dB。同时提供了详细的尺寸图和推荐PCB布局。
型号- 6PFX-15000/R6000-S
6PFX-28000/R1000-M Ka频段平面X滤波器
描述- 本资料介绍了Smiths Interconnect公司生产的Ka波段平面X滤波器系列中的6PFX-28000/R1000-M型号。该滤波器具有中心频率为28000 MHz,最小通带带宽为1000 MHz,最大插入损耗为4.5 dB,最小阻带衰减为-30 dBc,并适用于-55至85摄氏度的温度范围。
型号- 6PFX-28000/R1000-M
7WR28-35000/600-C Ka波段波导滤波器
描述- 本资料介绍了Smiths Interconnect公司的一款Ka波段波导滤波器,型号为7WR28-35000/600-C。该滤波器的中心频率为35 GHz,通带带宽至少为600 MHz,插入损耗最大为1.53 dBa,VSWR典型值为1.5:1,阻带衰减最小为60 dBc(在34 GHz处)。此外,还提供了技术支持联系方式和版权信息。
型号- 7WR28-35000/600-C
描述- Smiths Interconnect 是商业航空航天领域高可靠性连接产品和服务的主要供应商。公司提供高性能连接器解决方案、天线系统、射频组件和电缆组装,服务于飞行控制与导航系统、发动机系统、电源分配、卫星通信连接等多种航空应用。其技术品牌包括 EMC、Hypertac、IDI 等,专注于为高科技、高质量解决方案提供卓越性能,以满足高度安全和耐用性需求。此外,Smiths Interconnect 还提供广泛的认证标准和技术支持服务,以适应全球市场。
5BP7-1500/800-S L波段分立滤波器
描述- 本资料介绍了Smiths Interconnect公司的一款L波段离散滤波器,型号为5BP7-1500/800-S。该滤波器的中心频率为1500MHz,通带带宽至少为800MHz,插入损耗在频带中间最大为0.63dBa,具有1W的平均功率处理能力和宽温度范围(-55至85°C)。此外,还提供了销售和技术支持的联系信息。
型号- 5BP7-1500/800-S
【产品】史密斯英特康推出Planar X系列射频滤波器,具有高达Ku波段18 GHz的带通、带阻、低通和高通配置
Smiths Interconnect(史密斯英特康)今天宣布推出其新的Planar X系列射频滤波器解决方案,该解决方案具有高达18 GHz(Ku波段)的带通、带阻、低通和高通配置。新的Planar X系列是总体计划的一部分,该计划涉及创建一流的板级陶瓷基材厚膜RF滤波器,其设计和测试可支持各种应用市场。封装小,重量轻和可表面安装的配置允许大量的安装和拆卸。
品牌:Smiths Interconnect
现货: 3,100
整体外形尺寸小至0.6*0.3*0.3mm (DFN0603),工作电压范围覆盖2.5V~36V,电容值低至0.2pF,浪涌能力最高可达240安培,静电等级可达空气放电、接触放电±30KV。提供免费浪涌测试仪、静电测试仪测试。
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