Renesas RX72M Microcontroller Wins the “2021 Intelligent Manufacturing MCU Outstanding (Product) Solution“ Award of China Electronics News
Award-winning MCU RX72M has a wealth of built-in analog circuitry, such as the 12-bit ADC with over 20 channels, three independent sample-and-hold circuits, operational amplifiers, PWM timers, and the 24-bit Delta-Sigma ADC for motor drive control. In addition, RX72M integrates an EtherCAT slave controller with two independent ports for the easy and fast development or upgrading of various applications compliant with the Industrial Ethernet protocols, providing a complete solution for industrial Ethernet communication and motor drive integration. The main application fields include bus-type incremental servo motors or stepper motors, PLC remote input/output modules, industrial Ethernet bus-type general-purpose inverters, and compact industrial robotic arms.
On the occasion of the award, Johnson Tan, Senior Marketing Manager of MCU Division of RENESAS Electronics, was interviewed by 2021 MCU Special Issue of China Electronics News on the theme of "Opportunities and Challenges in a Chip-Deficient Market". He remarked on market opportunities, product development, and technology trends in major MCU industry applications that were concerned by all.
First of all, as a well-matured semiconductor product, MCU sees increasingly extensive application fields, making it ubiquitous in-home appliances, automotive, medical, industrial control, lighting, and the Internet of Things. The development of MCU technology and products requires closer integration with different market applications because optimizing chip architecture and enriching interface functions are inseparable from the driving force of application demand.
When asked, "What are the characteristics of requirements on MCU product performance for emerging applications such as artificial intelligence, intelligent manufacturing, and intelligent driving? And what are the trends of MCU technology development in terms of CPU speed, architecture, peripherals, process, and so on", Johnson Tan made the following interpretation:
Intelligent manufacturing refers to the human-machine integrated intelligent system composed of intelligent machines and human beings. It adds intelligent activities to the manufacturing process, which widely extends traditional industrial manufacturing through the synergy between human and human, human and machine, as well as machine and machine. These extensions have led to essential changes in the production factors of enterprises. In particular, the productivity represented by informatization enables real-time sensing, dynamic control, and information services for large production process systems through computing, communication, and control technologies.
All these demanding requirements rely on MCUs for powerful arithmetic, robust and fast communication capabilities, and accurate real-time control. Additionally, these requirements also shed light on the iterative direction for MCU technology development. For example, as the third-generation flagship of 32-bit MCU RX proprietary cores by Renesas, RX72M features a CPU clock speed of 240MHz (1416 CoreMark® runtime scores) and is the first MCU on the market to integrate an EtherCAT slave controller and rich analog circuitry for enhancing motor drive control in a single-chip solution. These capabilities are specifically designed to meet the requirements of intelligent manufacturing.
When it comes to "How to implement artificial intelligence in embedded products such as MCUs? And how to better adapt to edge computing?", Johnson Tan explained:
Edge computing is an extension of cloud computing to the edge. In the context of digital transformation for the entire industrial production, edge computing sinks resources and services to the edge, thus reducing interaction latency, alleviating network burden, and optimizing business services. Therefore, to enhance the edge computing capabilities, embedded MCU needs to have powerful computing capabilities, security authentication/Root of Trust (RoT) protection, low-consumption performance, high-speed communication, multiple communication protocol parsing, and even the integration of embedded AI algorithm derivation.
As intelligent factories evolve, it is without a doubt that more and more devices need to increase their communication and computing capabilities to meet the requirements of Industry 4.0. Intelligent factories that are both virtualized and digitalized will uprise the surge in demands of industrial network communication and on real-time. Meanwhile, diversified industrial Ethernet protocols make the communication of the whole system complex and costly, bringing difficulties for the prototype development and the rapid launch of products into the market. To address these issues, RX72M, the high-performance, single-chip, high-capacity MCU, emerges as the times require. Renesas has also offered a series of solutions based on RX72M to assist industrial customers in application development.
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【应用】用于微波炉的RX13T MCU及RL78/L1x LCD MCU,围绕高性能CPU集成PWM功能
瑞萨电子(Renesas)拥有广泛的适用于微波炉的微控制器产品阵容。其中包括RX13T高性能MCU组、RL78/L1x系列LCD MCU,它们围绕高性能CPU构建并集成了PWM(脉宽调制)功能,用于IGBT控制和A/D转换器以处理各种传感器输入。
【应用】支持512K Flash的MCU助力汽车SBW系统设计
世强代理的RISC-V内核MCU厂家越来越多,还在不断增长。 国外厂家有瑞萨 【产品】瑞萨推出全新RISC-V MCU R9A02G020,优化先进电机控制系统设计和降低用户开发成本 国内厂家介绍如下: 广芯微内置32位RISC-V内核的PD SoC芯片UM3506,最高主频33MHz 全球首家全栈自研RISC-V内核的通讯接口芯片/全栈MCU供应商沁恒(WCH) RISC-V内核低功耗32位MCU,中移芯昇授权世强先进全线代理 芯昇科技携多款芯片产品亮相ICDIA,助力RISC-V生态发展 先楫半导体提供多系列通用MCU,以开源的RISC-V架构为核心,综合性能达世界领先水平 航顺芯片首次进入胡润全球独角兽榜,已量产中国第一颗M3+RISC-V多核MCU 中微半导体积极推动RISC-V架构安全化、智能化,共筑国产安全芯片生态 博流业界第一款基于RISC-V CPU的WI-FI+BLE双模SoC芯片,打造智慧家居AIoT芯片平台 璇玑CLE系列是核芯互联基于32位RISC-V内核推出的通用嵌入式MCU处理器 方寸微电子加入RISC-V产业联盟,推动安全芯片国产化,打破国外芯片技术垄断
【经验】一文认识瑞萨RH850 MCU的RAM空间
Renesas(瑞萨电子)汽车大集成MCU RH850系列,集车身,底盘,发动机功能资源为一体,采用40nm工艺,符合ISO26262 ASIL-B~ASIL D的功能安全标准,支持HSM加密模块。本文主要介绍RH850系列MCU的 ram空间。
【经验】CS+开发瑞萨MCU RH850的ADC+DMA调试指引
Renesas的RH850 F1K是汽车车身控制的首选MCU,由于高性能和安全性得到汽车客户认可,但由于开发资料有限,导致许多客户开发比较头痛。近期有客户在使用DMA的开发中遇到了问题,下面结合F1K的开发板实现ADC+DMA的驱动设计。
【经验】关于瑞萨MCU RH850的option bytes配置说明
瑞萨MCU RH850比较特殊的地方,其中一点就是Option Bytes配置。Option Bytes实际上是一个扩展区域,用于保存用户上电初始化配置的参数。我们以RH850 F1L系列为例。
【经验】e2studio调试瑞萨MCU stack栈设置及查看
描述- 本资料介绍了如何防止RA系列微控制器(MCU)因异常注入电流而损坏。内容包括推荐的注入电流条件、不同型号的参数限制以及额外的说明和建议,旨在指导用户在设计和应用过程中采取适当的措施以保护MCU免受损害。
【经验】基于MCU CS+ RH850/F1K Boot开发指引
车载ECU开发都需要通过Boot实现在线升级,Boot是嵌在APP前面执行的程序,在需要更新APP代码时会对flash APP部分重新编程。近期有客户调试RH850/F1K MCU出现Boot跳到APP程序不能执行,下面以开发板为例实现Boot到APP。
【经验】如何配置禁用RH850/F1K MCU的烧录引脚
RENESAS将通过系列文章为大家介绍MCU RA6快速设计指南,方便各位工程师朋友更好地上手该系列芯片。本文重点介绍RA6快速设计指南之电源、仿真器支持及MCU工作模式。
【经验】关于瑞萨MCU RH850 C1M-A2的内存地址分配介绍
本文是关于瑞萨MCU RH850 C1M-A2的内存地址分配介绍,我们在设计瑞萨MCU RH850 C1M-A2的时候,对内存空间分布一定要有所了解。芯片内部flash和ram空间大小如下。
【经验】MCU RH850/F1K舵机PWM调试分享
PWM常常作为电机控制、舵机控制等使用,也是开发中最常用的控制方式。PWM实现需要使用定时器,RH850有非常多的定时器,并且可以配置很多通道,下面以瑞萨MCU RH850/F1K的TAUJ0定时器作为PWM定时器,实现PWM输出。
【经验】瑞萨MCU RA6M4 USB转串口调试指引
USB现已非常普及,在小小的单片机上都可以实现,瑞萨的RA6M4是基于Armv8-M架构的Arm®Cortex®-M33内核MCU,其接口非常丰富,就带有USB接口。以往的USB开发给人非常繁琐的感觉,现通过e2 studio开发变得非常简单。
最小起订量: 1000 提交需求>
最小起订量: 1pcs 提交需求>
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