Secure Sub-GHz SoC FG25 Ideal for Wi-SUN Smart City Applications
SILICON LABS has a long history of innovation around low-power wireless area networks (LPWAN). The technology is beginning to develop on a worldwide scale, and we’re already on our fourth generation of sub-Gigahertz (GHz) radios, as we helped create some of the first “smart meters” for utility companies.
Now, the needs of utility companies and others that operate connected city operations, such as traffic lights, are looking to get more from their devices. When they first launched, these connected devices were about better monitoring. For example, a smart electric meter on a single-family residential home would tell the utility company how much electricity the household used each month for billing purposes, but not much else.
Like many other industries that are tapping into the IoT, utilities are looking to get more data back from the device itself that can inform how it can better streamline and correct inefficiencies, identify whether maintenance is needed and where it’s required, and predict when the utility network may be under heavy use and therefore need corrective measures to prevent disruption. In the past, utility companies could only predict the quantity of electricity used. With these new advancements, they can now accurately determine when the electricity was used, the rate at which it was being used, and the geographic areas that saw the most demand.
This enables companies to provide rush-hour energy rewards on intelligent thermostats. By opting in for incentives, customers can allow the utility company to control their thermostat while ensuring they stay at a comfortable temperature, and thus more effectively spread the energy load across the grid. This is just one example, and with other use cases including streetlights, asset tracking, environmental monitoring, structural monitoring, and more, the number of potential connections can number in the hundreds of thousands, and in the largest of cities, in the millions. The sheer number of these likely devices needs a very-large, standards-based network and open source to support multiple devices.
Wi-SUN Turns Cities into Stars
This is where the Wireless Smart Ubiquitous Network, or Wi-SUN, comes in. The Wi-SUN protocol delivers a large-scale, standards-based mesh networking solution in long-range sub-GHz frequency bands that is impossible with existing mesh networking IoT standards such as Zigbee, Thread, Z-Wave, and Bluetooth mesh. Silicon Labs was an early adopter of Wi-SUN technology and is taking it one step further with the announcement of our new FG25 SoC and the EFF01 RF front end module.
The FG25 sub-GHz SoC can operate on a coin-cell battery for ten years, making it an excellent fit for Wi-SUN’s ability to form both mesh and star network topologies, thereby optimizing for low power and performance for the network itself and the devices on it. A star topology is when there is a central hub with many different connections coming out from it. Another way to think of it is like a wheel and spokes. That hub is a router, and Silicon Labs is also announcing its Field Area Network (FAN) 1.1 Border Router reference design, which is available for download.
Using a Wi-SUN FAN 1.1 Border Router, users could place their hub on a wired device, like a streetlight or something similar, with little to no power restrictions. That streetlight then becomes the hub to support thousands of other devices that are themselves a mix of line-powered and battery-powered. Those battery-powered devices can then extend the reach of city services. This would allow highway operators to easily monitor the temperature of asphalt in remote stretches of highways or the movement of a distant suspension bridge for any anomalies. By increasing the number of different factors they can monitor and measure, and expanding the volume and types of data they can gather from the device, Wi-SUN and the FG25 SoC and EFF01 FEM can help drive efficiencies, lower cost, improve safety, and more.
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SILICON LABS(亦称“芯科科技”)近期更新Sub-GHz无线SoC和模块选型指南,向物联网开发人员提供Sub-GHz产品组合的概述及各项功能特性的快速比较,以帮助工程师为其新产品项目选择理想的解决方案。
原厂动态 发布时间 : 2023-09-21
Silicon Labs 在低功耗无线局域网 (LPWAN) 领域有着悠久的创新历史。这项技术正在全球范围内开始发展,在帮助为公用事业公司开发首批“智能电表”的过程中,我们已经准备好应用第四代千兆赫以下 (GHz) 无线电。
原厂动态 发布时间 : 2024-04-15
芯科科技日前于上海IOTE物联网展期间,再度获颁“IoT Star Awards物联之星”的年度企业奖项评选:包括连续第二年获得的2023年中国物联网企业100强,以及BG27&MG27系列无线SoC获评为年度创新产品奖。
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Silicon Labs(芯科科技) Wi-Fi 芯片和模块选型指南
目录- Wi-Fi SoC and Module Selector Guide Wi-Fi Lineup Wi-Fi Development Kits IoT Wi-Fi Technology Leader Wi-Fi Applications Company Profile
型号- SLEXP8022A,SIWX915,RS9116,WF200,SIWX917,RS9116X-DB-EVK1,RS9116X-SB-EVK1,RS9116X-SB-EVK2
【经验】教你如何修改EFR32MG系列SOC ZigBee工程的CCA阈值
Silicon Labs公司的EFR32MG系列SOC单芯片已被广泛应用于智能家居市场产品中。对于ZigBee协议栈,无论单播还是广播,数据包在发送之前MAC层会检测CCA(Clear Channel Assessment ),如果检测到接收信号强度低于阈值,数据包就不发送。因此需要根据实际情况来设置合理的CCA阈值,本文就指导大家来设置EFR32MG系列SOC的CCA阈值。
设计经验 发布时间 : 2019-01-31
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【IC】芯科科技全新双频段FG28 SoC,支持蓝牙/sub-GHz双频,实现远距离广覆盖Wi-SUN及专有协议连接
SILICON LABS推出全新的双频段FG28片上系统(SoC),这款产品专为Amazon Sidewalk、Wi-SUN和其他专有协议等远距离广覆盖网络和协议而设计;可用于机器学习推理的内置人工智能/机器学习(AI/ML)加速器。
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芯科SiWx917低功耗WiFi 6+BLE SoC用于IPC网络摄像机,支持低功耗WiFi保活功能
一些电池供电的IPC在实际应用中,往往面临功耗高、网络连接慢以及处理能力有限等挑战。SiWx917 SoC,Silicon Labs超低功耗Wi-Fi 6和蓝牙 BLE 5.4无线SoC芯片,非常适合应用。
应用方案 发布时间 : 2024-10-17
Silicon Labs FG25 SoC助力开发下一代智能电表,通过Wi-SUN联盟认证,满足成本、尺寸和性能要求
Nagano JRC通过其在可再生能源、储能和智能电网系统方面的创新技术,在这一现代化进程中发挥了重要作用。该公司的部分任务是装备原始设备制造商(ODM/OEM),包括开发下一代智能电表和其他物联网设备的制造商。正是考虑到这一点,该公司开始运用芯科科技FG25 sub-GHz SoC来创建一个Wi-SUN FAN 1.1模块以提供智能电表所需的性能,同时为开发人员和终端客户创造优质的用户体验。
应用方案 发布时间 : 2023-04-30
EFR32FG28 Wireless SoC Family Data Sheet
型号- EFR32FG28A120F1024GM48-A,EFR32FG28A010F1024GM48-A,EFR32FG28B310F1024IM48-A,EFR32FG28A110F1024GM48-A,EFR32FG28A110F1024GM68-A,EFR32FG28B310F1024IM68-A,EFR32FG28A322F1024IM68-AR,EFR32FG28B320F1024IM68-A,EFR32FG28A122F1024GM68-A,EFR32FG28A112F1024GM68-A,EFR32FG28B312F1024IM68-A,EFR32FG28A122F1024GM48-A,EFR32FG28B312F1024IM48-A,EFR32FG28,EFR32FG28B322F1024IM68-A,EFR32FG28B320F1024IM48-A,EFR32FG28A112F1024GM48-A,EFR32FG28B322F1024IM48-A,EFR32FG28A120F1024GM68-A,EFR32FG28A010F1024GM68-A
成功案例:FG2x Sub-GHz SoC助力思科优化Wi-SUN大规模网络管理
Silicon Labs与思科正在合作激发Sub-GHz/Wi-SUN网络创新。通过将其CoAP Simple Management Protocol (CSMP)解决方案引入芯科科技的EFR32FG25和EFR32FG28 Sub-GHz SoC来实现这一扩展能力。
应用方案 发布时间 : 2024-10-16
ZigBee产品中需要网关来连接到以太网,实现手机对ZigBee设备的查看和控制。ZigBee网关中会涉及到ZigBee和WIFI两种2.4GHz的无线协议,这样就存在相互干扰的问题。Silicon Labs的EFR32MG系列SOC支持PTA共存机制,对于和WIFI的共存有较大的帮助。本文指导大家创建支持PTA的NCP工程。
设计经验 发布时间 : 2020-04-27
型号- SI4010-C2-GSR,SI4010-C2-GTR,SI4010-C2-AS,SI4010-C2-AT,SI4010-C2-GT,SI4010-C2,SI4010-C2-GS,SI4010-C2-ATR,SI4010-C2-AS,SI4010-C2-GTR,SI4010-C2-GS,SI4010,SI4010-C2-GT,SI4010-C2-GSR,SI4010-C2-ASR,SI401X,SI4010-C2-ATR
品类:Flex Gecko Wireless SoC
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支持 3Hz ~ 26.5GHz射频信号中心频率测试;9kHz ~ 3GHz频率范围内Wi-SUN、lora、zigbee、ble和Sub-G 灵敏度测量与测试,天线阻抗测量与匹配电路调试服务。支持到场/视频直播测试,资深专家全程指导。
实验室地址: 深圳/苏州 提交需求>
整体外形尺寸小至0.6*0.3*0.3mm (DFN0603),工作电压范围覆盖2.5V~36V,电容值低至0.2pF,浪涌能力最高可达240安培,静电等级可达空气放电、接触放电±30KV。提供免费浪涌测试仪、静电测试仪测试。
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