Chroma ATE Exhibits Test Solutions to Drive the AI Revolution at SEMICON China 2023
CHROMA ATE Inc., a leading provider of automated test equipment, is participating in SEMICON China 2023. The company will exhibit a series of innovative semiconductor test solutions with a focus on artificial intelligence (AI), high-performance computing (HPC), automotive, and AIoT applications.
Ultra-Low Temperature Test Solution
Chroma introduces the brand-new A310002 ultra-low temperature test system, a Tri-temp test system with a stable temperature control range of -70 to +150℃. This system is suitable for various extreme temperature tests and has a thermal design power (TPD) of up to 1,000 watts. It can be combined with the Chroma 3200 Versatile SLT Test Platform to form a multi-station SLT test ecosystem for production line use. In addition, the system can be easily paired with Chroma's software toolset CVOT (Chroma Virtual Operation Tools) to efficiently manage product information and improve yield. Chroma's ultra-low temperature test solution can meet the needs of industries such as automotive semiconductor ICs, artificial intelligence, and data centers, graphics processors (GPU), accelerated processing units (APU), high-performance computing (HPC), aerospace, and defense testing applications. Designed to ensure that chips can operate without issues in harsh environments, this is a great solution for product reliability testing.
Power IC Test Solution
The Chroma 3650-S2 SoC/Analog Testing System is a high-performance Power IC test platform that meets the needs of today's high-voltage, high-current, and complex digital control Power ICs. It provides up to 768 digital I/O and analog pins with a power supply capacity of up to 3000V or 320A. Chroma 3650-S2, developed based on more than 10 years of experience in digital solutions, comes equipped with capabilities such as up to 768 pins, 200Mbps data rate, and 300ps edge placement accuracy (EPA). It's an ideal choice for testing lithium battery management system (BMS) ICs, power management ICs (PMIC), and GaN- and SiC-related Power ICs.
Advanced SoC Test Solution
The Chroma 3680 Advanced SoC Test System effectively meets the testing needs of cutting-edge chips used in AI and automotive technologies. This solution is specifically designed for the increasingly popular system-on-chip (SoC) and system-in-package (SiP) applications. The system provides up to 2048 I/O pins with data rates up to 1Gbps, supports up to 16G integrated SCAN vector memory, and offers a variety of test modules for users to choose from. It has the capability to simultaneously perform digital logic, parametric test unit, power, memory, mixed-signal, and RF wireless communication tests.
RF Chip Test Solution
The Chroma 3680/3380/3300 Automated Test Systems can be seamlessly combined with the ADIVIC MP5806S(rf ate tester) to form a complete radio frequency (RF) chip test solution. Equipped with S-Parameter and Noise Figure functions, this solution can thoroughly test FEM/PA/Switch/LNA components and supports Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, NB-IoT, GPS/BeiDou (IoT) communication standards and Tuner applications, enabling more comprehensive RF chip testing.
SEMICON China 2023 will be held from June 29 to July 1 at the Shanghai New International Expo Center. Make sure to drop by our Booth E3157 in Hall E3 to experience the latest trends shaping the future of test and measurement technology. We look forward to connecting with you!
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聚焦AI人工智慧,致茂电子SEMICON China盛大展出
Chroma致茂电子参与SEMICON China 2024中国国际半导体展,将展示一系列创新的半导体测试解决方案,专注于AI人工智慧、高效能运算(High Performance Computing,HPC)芯片、汽车半导体与AIoT等运用,以满足不断发展的半导体测试需求。
Chroma ATE Showcases Advanced Test Technology to Propel the AI Revolution at SEMICON Taiwan 2023
Chroma ATE Inc., a leading provider of automated test equipment, is participating in SEMICON Taiwan 2023. The company will exhibit a series of innovative test solutions with a focus on artificial intelligence (AI), high-performance computing (HPC), automotive, and AIoT applications, aiming to meet the ever-evolving needs of semiconductor testing.
近年来AI、物联网、第三代半导体(GaN/SiC)相关应用的市场不断成长,伴随而来的是极为庞大的半导体组件用量,其中AI和物联网市场更是相辅相成,随着物联网装置及AI应用的普及,能在终端装置实时运算的Edge AI将成未来的技术关键。致茂的先进SoC测试系统3680就十分适合Edge AI及IoT通讯芯片测试,能满足AI芯片高速及高精度混合讯号的测试需求。
MODEL 3380 VLSI 測試系統
描述- 该资料介绍了Chroma公司的Model 3380 VLSI测试系统,这是一款适用于高脚位数、高速率和复杂功能的集成电路(IC)芯片的测试设备。它具备多种特性,包括支持高达1024个数字通道管腳、并行测试能力、多样化的电源选项、弹性硬件架构和丰富的软件功能。
型号- MODEL 3380,3380D,3380系列,3380P,3380
MODEL 3650-S2 SOC/模拟测试系統
描述- 该资料介绍了Chroma 3650-S2测试系统,这是一款适用于半导体制造的高性能、高性价比的测试设备。它具备多个数字和模拟测试通道,支持多种测试功能和配置选项,包括高压电源、脉冲电流模拟测试单板等。系统采用CRISP软件平台,提供直观的操作界面和强大的编程工具,适合用于电源管理类芯片、模拟芯片、化合物半导体及MCU等多种器件的测试。
型号- MODEL 3650-S2,3650 SERIES,3650,3650-S2,3650 SERIES-2
描述- 该资料介绍了Chroma公司的3380系列VLSI测试系统。该系统具备高速时钟和数据速率,支持高达1024个I/O引脚并行测试,并具有灵活的硬件架构和丰富的功能选项。它适用于多种IC测试需求,包括MCU设备、ADC/DAC混合信号IC、逻辑IC等。
型号- MODEL 3380,3380D,3380P,3380,3380 SERIES
【产品】半导体测试方案:全方位高精度、高效能SoC测试系统/ATE自动测试系统/Pick & Place 测试分类机
Chroma提供半导体测试方案:3680全方位高精度/高效能SoC测试系统、 3380 经济且弹性极高之ATE自动测试系统、33010 PXIe 架构之自动测试系统(ATE)和3110S 双用型单测头的 Pick & Place 测试分类机。
Chroma Showcases Semiconductor Advanced Manufacturing Measurement Technology at SEMICON TAIWAN 2022
Chroma is participating in SEMICON TAIWAN 2022! At our booth, Chroma showcases our state-of-the-art semiconductor test and measurement solutions and provides visitors with a novel and exciting opportunity to experience our high-precision SoC test systems through MR (mixed reality).
Chroma正式推出3650-S2系列测试机的全新UIS(Unclamped Inductive Switching)功能模块,专为半导体组件的雪崩测试设计,特别适用于第三代半导体氮化镓(GaN)和碳化硅(SiC)组件。这一新功能模块旨在解决测试长期存在的问题—无法获得完整且准确的测试数据与波型数据。
使用Macherey-Nagel的NucleoMag®Blood 200μl试剂盒的MagXtract®3200全自动核酸提取和PCR设置系统
型号- 744501.1,MAGXTRACT® 3200,A94-000130,9-49200002,744501.4,A94-000131,A94-000135
【产品】测试频率为100MHz的3380D VLSI测试系统,非常适用于IoT相关的晶片测试
【仪器】CHROMA 3650-S2高效能Power IC测试平台荣获亚洲金选奖,提供最高768电源信道
CHROMA致茂电子3650-S2高效能Power IC测试平台荣获EE AWARDS ASIA亚洲金选奖殊荣,,提供最高768电源信道,每信道最高3000V或320A的供电能力。并具备完整的测试功能、高精准度、强大的软件和出色的可靠性,是测试高性能MCU、模拟IC、消费性SoC的理想选择。
晶圆/晶片/封装 半导体IC测试解决方案
描述- 致茂電子提供全面的半導體測試解決方案,包括ATE測試系統、IC分選機、PXI/PXIe測試平台等。其產品涵蓋消費型晶片、電源管理晶片、射頻晶片等各類應用,並提供溫度控制、特殊產品處理等自動化分選技術。此外,還提供CIS整合解決方案和系統功能測試分類機,以降低成本並提高品質。
型号- 3180,A330101,3680,33010,3380D,3160F,36020,3160A,3240,3160C,3260,3380,3160,3110-FT,3380P,3650-CX,3650-EX,3650,7710,3112,3111,3110,36010,A360101,3270,3240Q,54100,3240-Q
MODEL 3380P VLSI测试系统
描述- Model 3380P是一款高性能的VLSI测试系统,具备50/100 MHz测试频率和50/100 Mbps数据速率。它具有512数字通道管脚(最高可达576),支持并行测试达512个站点同时测试。该系统还提供多种弹性VI电源、Real parallel Trim/Match功能和时序频率测试单元(TFMU)。此外,它还包括AD/DA功能板卡和SCAN向量存储深度选项,并支持STDF工具和多种测试程序转换器。
型号- 3380系列,MODEL 3380P,3380P,3380
最小起订量: 1pcs 提交需求>
支持GSM / GPRS 等多种制式产品的射频测试,覆盖所有上行和下行的各项射频指标,包括频差、相差、调制、功率、功控、包络、邻道泄漏比、频谱、杂散、灵敏度、同道干扰、邻道干扰、互调、阻塞等等。满足CE / FCC / IC / TELEC等主流认证的射频测试需求。
实验室地址: 深圳 提交需求>
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