Silicon Labs Ultra-low Power SiWx917 Wi-Fi 6 SoC: Ideal for Addressing Wi-Fi IoT Networking Challenges
Wi-Fi continues to be one of the most used and well-known connectivity standards in the IoT. It is exceedingly popular amongst consumers, and industry estimates say there will be 18 billion Wi-Fi-connected devices in circulation by the end of the year.
This represents a massive market for designers and developers, but as the IoT continues to take root in people’s lives, it also offers new requirements and expectations from device users. Users are becoming interested in new IoT use cases that extend audio, visual, and data processing applications that drive advanced functions to battery-powered devices, like smart door locks, cameras, sensors, and cleaning robots that can navigate around obstacles in a home. This means that energy use and power consumption must be considered as an increasing part of the end-device development equation. In addition, with most existing Wi-Fi devices using the 2.4 GHz spectrum, the network is becoming crowded with devices that reduce performance in high-density areas. Finally, users are also looking to consolidate and are able to control all of their devices from one hub, ideally, a single app, phone, tablet, or console, so the next generation of Wi-Fi devices must also be future-proofed for Matter. Wi-Fi 6 helps address these challenges with new features such as OFDMA, MU-MIMO, beamforming, BSS coloring, and Target Wake Time, to name a few.
SILICON LABS is announcing the ultra-low power SiWx917 Wi-Fi 6 and Bluetooth LE SoC. SiWx917 was developed to radically reduce the energy consumption in Wi-Fi IoT networking while delivering more computing, faster AI/ML, and robust security to solve the challenges of the future. Silicon Labs wanted to give device makers a single, fully integrated, and Matter-ready Wi-Fi 6 SoC with high memory capacity and the longest battery life in the segment to run all wireless stacks and customers’ applications on the same chip to reduce cost, simplify development and accelerate time to revenue.
The SiWx917 is the first Wi-Fi 6 SoC in the Silicon Labs portfolio. The SiWx917 supports OFDMA, MU-MIMO, BSS coloring, and other features that enable higher bandwidth and improved network efficiency in crowded environments, which allows for faster, more stable network coverage. With its ultra-low power capability and support for Wi-Fi 6’s Target Wake Time, allowing devices to sleep for longer periods, it can enable multi-year operation for battery-based designs such as smart locks or smart sensors. With Bluetooth LE in the same chip, the SiWx917 also supports simple device commissioning that can significantly reduce the time it takes to deploy new devices, at home or in commercial and industrial environments where the devices can number in the thousands.
The SiWx917 also supports Matter over Wi-Fi in a single-chip package. This helps developers simplify their designs by using a smaller form factor, reducing development costs, and allowing for faster time to market, while also meeting the demand from users to control their entire IoT environment from a single application or device.
While Matter has the potential to usher in a new era of IoT connectivity, but a multitude of devices being connected to a single access point, security becomes even more important. The SiWx917 is PSA Level 2 certifiable, with Secure Boot, Secure Trust Zone, Secure XIP, and more to protect devices, customers, and the brand reputation of device vendors from the increasing landscape of cyber attacks.
All of this comes together in an extremely energy-efficient SoC with ultra-low power capability that delivers up to 50% lower power consumption than competing Wi-Fi 6 and Bluetooth LE combination SoCs, making it ideal for low-power IoT designs, especially battery-based designs.
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Silicon Labs(芯科科技) 物联网无线产品选型指南
目录- Company and product overview Bluetooth Modules proprietary wireless devices Wi-Fi Modules Mighty Gecko Modules Z-Wave Modules
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SiWx917 SoC是功耗最低的Wi-Fi 6 SoC,是使用Wi-Fi、Bluetooth®、Matter和IP网络实现安全云连接的超低功耗物联网无线设备的理想选择。SiWx917 SoC包括一个超低功耗Wi-Fi 6加低功耗蓝牙(LE)5.4无线CPU子系统,以及一个集成微控制器(MCU)应用子系统、安全、外围设备和电源管理子系统。
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EFR32MG系列是芯科科技针对 IOT在智能家居,工业控制等行业中推出的zigbee SOC芯片方案。拥有最佳的RF射频性能和最全的Zigbee网络协议。被广泛应用。产品在使用过程总会出一些小小的问题,需要对功能修复或者固件进行升级,除了无线 ota 之外,可以通过 uart 的形式对固件进行升级。本文是通过Hypertrm一个Xmodem GUI工具通过串口升级固件为例进行介绍。
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物联网(IoT)无线连接技术时刻在发生新变化。近日,物联传媒记者在深圳物联网展会期间特别采访了Silicon Labs亚太区生态高级经理刘俊先生,此次访谈紧密围绕公司在刚结束的深圳物联网展中亮相的前沿科技成果,深入讨论了技术创新、产品优势、应用前景等话题。
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【经验】无线SOC EFR32 2.4GHz 频段最小系统原理图如何设计?
本文介绍Silicon Labs 无线SOC EFR32系列基于2.4GHz频段的最小系统原理图。Silicon Labs 无线SOC EFR32 是设计节能型无线连接 IoT 设备的理想选择。EFR32无线产品组合即支持 Zigbee 和 Thread 无线连接也支持低功耗蓝牙和 2.4 GHz、 Sub-GHz 专有协议。
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品类:Wireless Gecko SoC
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最小起订量: 2500 提交需求>
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