From Idea to Reality: TITAN Core Helps Make Haptics Integration a Breeze
Incorporating haptics into your projects might pose a bit of a challenge. It can be tough to achieve top-notch, high-definition haptic feedback in your engineering endeavors, especially considering factors such as your expertise level and available time.
This is why we created the TITAN Core—a compact haptics development board and production-ready module.
The Core was designed to simplify the haptics integration process. You can get your project up and running in just under 6 minutes.
This fully-featured standalone board features:
3 Discrete haptics channels
Arduino Compatible
Onboard power management w/ LiPo charging via USB C
3W Dual-channel Class D Audio Amplifier + Dual H-Bridge
32-bit ESP32 Processor with DSP, DMA, ADC
Pin Overview:
3.3V – 6V VIN
3.3V OUT
11 GPIOs
2 ADCs
SPI, I2C, Serial, I2S
2 DACs
Wifi, Bluetooth, haptics, DAC and DSP capabilities
Small footprint ideal for electronics devices
Works with a wide range of haptics motors
3 Discrete Motor Channels
The Core supports the connection of three motors at a time, enabling them to operate independently or synchronously. It is optimized for TITAN’s DRAKE motors but can also drive a wide range of other haptic motors as well such as ERMs (Eccentric Rotating Mass motors) and LRAs (Linear Resonant Actuators).
Arduino Compatible
The Core is compatible with Arduino and ESP32 Arduino libraries making it easy for beginners and advanced developers alike. Sample sketches and effects are available for download with the TITAN Core Arduino library.
Bluetooth, Wifi and USB connectivity is available out-of-the-box. You can connect the Core to any PC or Smartphone via Bluetooth or USB for direct haptic control in real time.
Despite its small size, the Core offers many options for extensibility. Available are 11 GPIO pins, SPI, I2C and I2S allowing developers to use the TITAN Core for any application using any number of inputs and outputs.
Open Haptics API by
TITAN Core also comes pre-loaded with preloaded firmware with sample effects running on’s Open API for advanced effects creation and cross-device compatibility.
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TITAN’s First Haptic Motor DRAKE Packs a Big Punch in a Small Size, Offering 320% Increased Power Density and 4.5Grms Vibrations
TITAN Haptics announces its first haptic motor under the TITAN Haptics brand called TacHammer DRAKE; This new, compact, wideband haptic motor in the size of a pill capsule offers 10-300 Hz frequency response and 4.5Grms vibrations and is made for gaming, virtual reality and music.
【电气】TITAN Haptics推出首款触觉马达TacHammer DRAKE,4.5Grms振动,体积小,威力大
2022年3月30日——获奖的触觉科技初创企业TITAN Haptics今天宣布推出其TITAN Haptics品牌下的首款触觉马达TacHammer DRAKE,这是一款新型的、紧凑的、大小如胶囊的宽带触觉马达。适用于游戏、虚拟现实和音乐,TITAN Haptics最小、功率密度最高的宽带触觉马达提供10-300 Hz频率响应和4.5Grms振动。
【电机】TITAN HAPTICS Drake马达外观小巧轻便,振动力相比Carlton增强25% ∣视频
【电机】TITAN HAPTICS首款DRAKE触觉马达,以微小体积实现强大冲击力,提供高达320%功率密度及4.5克振动强度
Haptic Technology 101: A Beginner’s Guide to the Different Types of Vibration Motors
In order to create haptic effects, there‘s one crucial piece of technology needed: the haptic motor. This article puts together a beginner‘s guide to understanding the most popular types of haptic motors in the market.
【电机】TITAN HAPTICS采用固态磁悬浮技术的马达Carlton系列,尺寸大至15*34.3mm ∣视频
TITAN Haptics推出的核心产品TacHammer磁悬浮设计的优势显著,能够在非常宽广的频率范围内运行,覆盖从0-500+Hz。其目前分为三个产品类别,Carlton系列、Drake系列、Grenville,适用于游戏主机、VR配件、智能手机、汽车应用等领域。
TITAN Haptics的触觉电机在驱动电子方面具备高度灵活性,这意味着可以通过简单的H桥或D类音频放大器进行控制,从而有效降低系统的总体成本,无需使用昂贵的专业集成电路(IC)。
Top Haptics Products that Launched in 2023
2023 was not only filled with a plethora of new apps, music, films and books, but also marked a significant rise in innovative haptics-grade consumer technology. From cutting-edge gaming systems to VR/AR accessories and wearables, we‘ve compiled a list of some of the most popular haptics products that launched in 2023.
Haptic Motors Clustered Haptic Arrays by TITAN Haptics Clusters Unlock New Possibilities
We know that one size does not fit all applications, and sometimes finding the perfect motor for your product can be difficult, especially if you’re looking for something that can fit into your limited available space. This is where TITAN’s Clustered Haptic Array motors come in to help!
Tachammer™Drake LMR振动触觉触觉马达
描述- 该资料介绍了TAC HAMMER LMR - D-10L20MP1-7振动触觉电机的基本规格和应用。它是一种宽频带、高保真(HD)声圈执行器,适用于电子设备。资料涵盖了产品的特性、操作原理、技术规范、驱动信号、响应时间、测量方法和标准测试条件。
型号- TH-D-952395
Titan Haptics公司概况
描述- Titan Haptics是一家专注于磁性和系统集成技术的硅谷初创公司,拥有专利的LMR(线性磁力冲击)电机技术。该技术提供更强的触觉输出、更宽的频率范围和耐用性,适用于游戏、音乐、电影和互动媒体等领域。Titan提供高性能的触觉组件、软件和开发工具,帮助合作伙伴创造高质量的触觉体验。
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可加工2-32层PCB/1-5阶HDI/FPC柔性线路板/Rigid-Flex Board软硬结合板,最小线宽线距:2mil;最小孔:3mil;铜厚:1-10OZ。
最小起订量: 1 提交需求>
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