A Key Technology in Precision Agriculture: Epson‘s IMU Combined with GNSS Can Accurately Measure Objects as It Moves in Three-dimensional Space
Automation of agricultural machinery
Efficient production of agricultural products is a requirement for large-scale agriculture to manage food shortages due to population growth and shortages of farming workers. EPSON‘s IMU(Inertial measurement unit ) used in combination with GNSS(Global Navigation Satellite System) can accurately measure objects as it moves in three-dimensional space. This is a key technology in precision agriculture for increasing efficiency and advancing the progress of automated and unmanned operations.
- Improve productivity through digitalization and automation
Automating driving and operation for tractors
Contribute to real-time, high-precision position and attitude control
- Improving work environment and sustainability
Address labor shortages and improve productivity through precision agriculture
Value proposition
- Minimize position error with high stability
Gyro Bias Instability:0.8°/h (M-G370PDF0)
- Achieves short-term stable output with small size and lightweight
Gyro Random walk; 0.03°/√h (M-G370PDS0)
Product size: 2.4 x 2.4 x 1.0cm³
- Rich set of compensation embedded into the design
Compensation for alignment, scale factor, offset, temperature selectable filter, angle calculation
- 1-inch product platform with a small size and lightweight
Hardware and software compatibility to simplify performance upgrades as needed
Advancing other industries
Drone, Gimbal, Stabilizer, Robot, Construction machinery, AGV(Automatic Guided Vehicle), AMR(Autonomous Mobile Robot)
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随着工业自动化的不断进步,管道巡检作为确保能源运输安全和效率的关键环节,正迎来前所未有的发展机遇。在这一过程中,惯性测量单元(IMU)的选型显得尤为重要,它不仅关系到巡检数据的准确性,更直接影响到整个巡检系统的稳定性和可靠性。EPSON的M-G370PDF IMU,以其卓越的性能和强大的环境适应能力,成为管道巡检领域的可信赖产品。
目录- IMU Product Line-up Vibration Sensor / Accelerometer Product Line-up
型号- M-G370PDF1,M-A342VD10,M-G370PDS0,M-A552AR10,M-G552 SERIES,M-G330PDG0,M-A542VR10,M-A552AC10,M-A352AD10,M-G366PDG0,M-G552
Epson to Launch Mass Production of the M-G570PR, a High-precision, Low-noise IMU Enabled by Multi-sensor Technology
Epson has developed and recently begun volume production of the new premium model for its lineup of IMUs equipped with high-performance six-axis sensors. The new model, the M-G570PR, offers high precision, low noise and an IP67 rating for protection against the intrusion of dust and water.
描述- 爱普生传感产品介绍涵盖石英元器件历史、石英晶体特点、传感器产品类别及应用。重点介绍IMU惯性导航单元、陀螺仪模块、加速度计等,并展示其在无人机、机器人、测量测绘、智慧农业等领域的应用案例。此外,还介绍了3rdGyro module在割草机、泳池清洁机器人等设备中的应用,以及加速度计和振动传感器在结构健康监测中的应用。
型号- E91E616F00,SGPM01,SGPM02,X2G000201000100,M-G370,GGPM01,X2G000191000100,M-G366,X2G000091000400
爱普生(中国)有限公司与国内高精度定位核心部件制造商北云科技(bynav)达成合作。在这项合作中,北云科技将其自研的GNSS*1高精度定位芯片及板卡与爱普生的新一代高性能六轴惯性测量单元*2 (以下简称“IMU”)相结合,面向自动驾驶行业推出了一款高精度组合导航系统——X1,能够为自动驾驶系统提供可靠的厘米级位置及三维姿态信息。
爱普生IMU基于爱普生的晶体Gyro(陀螺仪)技术,其优势: 3x~10x better performance vs. competitors in ADAS Lv.4/5 IMU。为什么说在定位器上面Gyro ARW/BIS 是非常重要的呢?晶体制成的Gyro属于非常自然的传感器,没有通过滤波或者校准而得到的角度数据。优质的ARW能有非常迅速的系统响应。
测绘巡检机载挂载的IMU选择EPSON M-G330PDG0,小尺寸低功耗可提高作业效率
在性能方面,M-G330PDG0 IMU的陀螺仪零偏稳定性达到3 °/h,随机游走仅为0.1 °/√h,提供了高精度的角速度测量,确保了飞行的稳定性。其16/32-bit的数据分辨率和高达~2k Sps的数据输出率,满足了高分辨率测绘的需求。此外,该IMU支持SPI / UART数字串行接口,便于与无人机系统集成,简化了开发流程。
Epson IMU Adopted by JAXA for “Int-Ball2“ Free-flying Camera Robot Used on ISS Japanese Experiment Module
Seiko Epson Corporation (TSE: 6724, “Epson“) is pleased to announce that an inertial measurement unit (IMU) from Epson‘s M-G370 series was selected by the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) for use in a mobile camera robot deployed on “Kibo“, the Japanese Experiment Module (JEM) on the International Space Station (ISS). Developed by JAXA, the “Int-Ball2 (Internal Ball Camera 2)“ free-flying camera robot, has been undergoing functional verification inside Kibo since June 2023.
Epson Expands Its Lineup of G-series IMUs with the Development of M-G366PDG and M-G330PDG
Epson has expanded its lineup of IMU equipped with high-performance six-axis sensors by adding a newly developed standard model called the M-G366PDG and a basic model called the M-G330PDG. Samples will begin shipping in January 2023. Volume production is scheduled to start in the spring of 2023.
爱普生IMU Gseries&Vseries爱普生IMU\u 48x\u 49x插入器板用户手册
描述- 本资料为Epson IMU_48x_49x接口板用户手册,主要介绍了Epson IMU_48x_49x接口板的功能、特点、技术描述、配置方法、接口和连接器、零件清单、原理图和板级布局等内容。该接口板用于快速原型设计和评估Epson G系列和V系列IMU,与ADIS1648x/ADIS1649x系列IMU兼容,支持SPI接口,并提供调试用的测试点。
型号- GSERIES,ADIS1649X,C0603C104K8RACTU,RC0603JR-0733RL,CLM-112-02,ADIS1648X,MG364,M-G320,M-G364,M-G354,GRM188R61A224KA01D,VSERIES,MW-12-03-G-D,CLM-110-02-L-D,AXE120224,RC0603JR-0710KL,CLM-110-2-L-D,RC0603JR-0722KL,M-V340,GRM188R61A335KE15D
M-G370PDT0:X2G000221000200 IMU(惯性测量单元)
描述- 本资料介绍了Seiko Epson公司生产的M-G370PDT0惯性测量单元(IMU)产品。该产品具有小型化、轻量化设计,适用于自动驾驶车辆、导航系统、振动控制和稳定、指向和跟踪系统等领域。
型号- M-G370PDT0,X2G000221000200
品类:USB Evaluation Cable Interface / Breakout Board for EPSON IMU
现货: 0
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