Smiths Interconnect Deliver A New Highly Integrated Multi-channel Subsystem
Smiths Interconnect announces a six-year contract to deliver a highly integrated multi-channel subsystem to support General Atomics Aeronautical Systems’ Lynx® Multi-Mode Radar in ground and maritime missions. The Lynx radar pinpoints time-sensitive targets and produces high-resolution photographic imagery on a wide field-of-view coverage for manned and unmanned aircraft systems.
Smiths Interconnect’s subsystem contributes to the accuracy of the Ground/Dismount Moving Target Indicator (GMTI) technology and enables the Lynx radar system to distinguish slow moving targets from stationary clutter. Smiths Interconnect’s extensive experience in the design and manufacture of highly integrated subsystems was instrumental in the choice of the supplier for the Lynx system.
Smiths Interconnect’s multi-channel transmit and receive subsystem combines radar system functions that were previously implemented in four separate subassemblies into a single plug-in subsystem, doubling previous capabilities. The single plug-in subsystem increases mission performance by simplifying system integration, decreasing from 3.5 U to 1.5 U, and minimizing DC prime power usage. Designed to meet the challenges of harsh environments, the Smiths Interconnect subsystem solution minimizes size, weight, and power (SWAP) while delivering critical signal accuracy and system enabling state of the art dynamic phase noise.
“Our multi-channel transmit and receive integrated subsystem is rugged, lightweight, compact in size and ideal for Remote Piloted Aircraft systems. We are pleased to be partnering with General Atomics to offer fast, reliable and efficient system designs for unmanned and manned aircraft worldwide,” said Ralph DeMarco, Vice President of Business Development and Sales at Smiths Interconnect Inc.
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【产品】Smiths Interconnect推出高频表面贴装片式负载CTX SMT系列,可提供高达67GHz宽带性能
2020年8月3日,Smiths Interconnect今天发布其新的CTX SMT系列高频表面贴装片式负载。新的CTX SMT系列旨在提供高达67GHz的出色宽带性能,比传统组件具有更广泛的覆盖范围,并在整个频带上提供优化的回波损耗。 凭借其热通道,其获得专利的布局采用小巧轻便的封装提供了强大的功率处理能力,输入功率高达1瓦CW。
【产品】Smiths Interconnect推出高频表面贴装芯片均衡器CEX系列,斜率高达4dB、频率高达40GHz
2020年4月28日—Smiths Interconnect发布了其最新的CEX系列高频表面贴装芯片均衡器,该均衡器经过优化可提供精确的补偿。新的CEX系列旨在为客户提供可配置的设计方法,以针对特定的频率范围和斜率获得正确的解决方案,以满足高达40GHz,最大斜率为4dB的要求。
【元件】Smiths Interconnect最新推出速率达16 Gbps的连接器KVPX系列,符合太空认证
Smiths Interconnect于2023年6月5日宣布发布其备受期待的 KVPX 连接器系列的太空认证版本。这一重大进步进一步认证了公司满足国防和航天以及商业航空业的严格要求的承诺。
Smiths Interconnect 衰减器选型表
Smiths Interconnect推出高可靠性无源温补衰减器系列产品和固定衰减器系列产品,无源温补衰减器系列产品:产品可覆盖DC-40G,具备高的衰减精度,衰减值从0~10dB可选。固定衰减器系列:0.1到400W的功率等级,0~30dB的衰减值可选,并具有贴片、法兰、同轴等多封装类型。
Frequency Range(GHz)
TCA Tolerance(dB/dB/˚C)
VSWR (Typical)
Power Rating(W、mW)
Operating Temperature(℃)
Resistive Material
Terminal Material
-55˚C to 150˚C
Thick Film
Thick Film, Nickel Barrier with Solder Plate or Lead Free Finish Gold and Wire Bondable Options Available
选型表 - Smiths Interconnect 立即选型
Smiths Interconnect高频Mini-Lock连接器SMPM,具有紧凑型、轻量化且坚固的设计
Smiths Interconnect的SMPM系列高频Mini-Lock连接器是一种高频率、紧凑型、轻量化且坚固的设计,适用于需要卓越电气可靠性的应用。该系列连接器可与Smiths Interconnect高频电缆组件配合使用,确保在各种应用之间实现可靠的信号完整性和完美的数据传输。
Smiths Interconnect的温补衰减器解决方案介绍
温度补偿衰减器:性能卓越的信号调节神器 背景:射频增益模块(如功率放大器、低噪声放大器等,统称为增益模块)一般可用于RF、IF或LO信号路径,能够提供良好的增益平坦度和回波损耗。在不同温度条件下,其增益会出现变化,导致无法满足客户对稳定射频信号输出的要求。此外,由于不同方案使用不同的芯片模块和线路设计,其增益变化量也各不相同。
Smiths Interconnect Lab-Flex®系列同轴电缆组件,支持最高达50GHz的频率
Smiths Interconnect的Lab-Flex®系列同轴电缆组件采用低损耗PTFE绝缘材料和实心银镀铜中心导体,确保最小的信号衰减和最高的测量稳定性。该系列产品具有悠久的历史,在高冲击和振动应用(如导弹技术)以及测试与测量环境中表现出色。常见的产品尺寸包括125、160、190、200和290,适用于多种现代应用。
Smiths Interconnect 光纤电缆选型指南
描述- Smiths Interconnect carries a wide selection of multimode optical fiber cables and ribbons; only a small selection of which are presented here. Multimode fiber (50μm/125μm) is used and can be terminated in multiple styles (MT, MPO, etc.).
型号- 500-00080,500-00021,500-00043,500-00020,500-00284,500-00085,500-00283,500-00003,500-00002,500-00266,500-00265,500-00022,500-00007,500-00205,500-00268,500-00219,500-00091,500-00274,500-00251,500-00250,500-00271,500-00277,500-00276,500-00017,500-00215,500-00258,500-00257,500-00279,500-00207
Smiths Interconnect New Hypertac Green Connect Contact Technology is Designed to Reduce Power Loss
Smiths Interconnect announced today the introduction of Hypertac Green ConnectTM, a new Lead-free and Beryllium-free hyperboloid high-power contact technology, to its established high relibility contact technologies for demanding applications.
Smiths Interconnect Offered Isolators to Support NASA’s Europa Clipper Mission to Explore Jupiter’s Moon
Smiths Interconnect is proud to support NASA and the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory in providing key components for use in the forthcoming Europa Clipper mission to explore one of Jupiter’s moons.
Smiths Interconnect Has a Very Large Portfolio of Existing Coaxial Isolators and Circulators for Space or Defence Applications
As it is impractical to solder the piece parts externally and pass the assembly into the cavity, Smiths Interconnect uses a contactless induction soldering and inspect the resultant solder joints using a Smiths Interconnect in-house 3D x-ray machine, whose 160keV beam makes short work of up to 5mm of steel.
ISO-SPLITTER (1:2) Smiths Interconnect Qualification Test Report(TML_QUAL_111)
型号- C108753,B108752,XPD303
品牌:Smiths Interconnect
现货: 3,100
品牌:Smiths Interconnect
现货: 2,677
品牌:Smiths Interconnect
现货: 1,879
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