随着计算机、手机和智能设备变得越来越先进,支持它们的集成芯片也必须跟上这种变化。Smiths Interconnect的新型Volta半导体探头测试解决方案处于领先地位,这些解决方案用于测试从蓝牙和电源管理到数字显示器的所有背后的集成芯片封装。Volta在耐用性和性能方面明显优于其他竞争对手。
Smiths Interconnect与客户就Volta的设计进行了密切合作。它使用创新的世界级电接触技术和专有工程材料来提高性能和生产效率,以及更长的生命周期。它还支持快速安装和维修,进一步降低持有成本。通过为Volta开发新的电接触技术并集成制造和装配流程,我们开辟了一个有吸引力的新市场领域,并展示了我们致力于不断创新来满足客户不断变化的需求的承诺。
图1 Volta系列探头
Smiths Interconnect的客户优势
技术挑战和飞涨的制造成本正在推动半导体测试机会的增长。Volta通过专为满足客户需求而设计的高性价比的高性能选项来应对这些趋势。Smiths Interconnect的新Volta半导体测试解决方案正在支持客户突破技术界限。
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【应用】国产音频蓝牙SOC BP1048B2用于蓝牙音箱中,兼容蓝牙5.0/4.2/2.1,内置DSP功能
Smiths Interconnect的温补衰减器解决方案介绍
温度补偿衰减器:性能卓越的信号调节神器 背景:射频增益模块(如功率放大器、低噪声放大器等,统称为增益模块)一般可用于RF、IF或LO信号路径,能够提供良好的增益平坦度和回波损耗。在不同温度条件下,其增益会出现变化,导致无法满足客户对稳定射频信号输出的要求。此外,由于不同方案使用不同的芯片模块和线路设计,其增益变化量也各不相同。
Volta 180 Series Probe Head Wafer Level Testing
型号- 851-0023038-H00,102119-H00,851-0012074-H01,VOLTA 180 SERIES,VOLTA 300,VOLTA 200,102120-H00,VOLTA 400,851-0023049-H00,VOLTA 180,102121-H00,VOLTA 250,VOLTA 350
【产品】史密斯英特康发布Volta 180系列晶圆级芯片封装探针头,适用于最小引脚间距180µm及以上测试
史密斯英特康作为全球领先的半导体测试解决方案供应商,今天发布全新 Volta180 测试头扩大Volta产品线,支持市场对更小间距的晶圆尺寸,晶圆级芯片封装(WLCSP)和已知合格芯片(Known Good Die)的测试需求。
Smiths Interconnect推出晶圆级芯片测试头Volta 200系列产品的新闻稿
描述- 史密斯英特康推出的Volta系列测试头适用于200μm间距及以上晶圆级测试,为高可靠性WLP(晶圆级封装)、WLCSP(晶圆级芯片封装)和KGD(已确认的好芯片)测试程序提供更多优势,可满足客户对更高引脚数,更小间距尺寸,更高频率和更高并行度测试的要求。
型号- VOLTA 200
A Paradigm Shift in Simulation Techniques of Semiconductor Test Sockets
With the rise of the Internet of Everything (IoT), 5G, artificialin tellig ence ( AI ) and augmented reality (AR), high-performance test socket technology must keep pace. Performance specifications for test sockets published by suppliers should only be used as a general guideline in selecting the product family for a test application. Once a socket technology is chosen based on the general specification, suppliers should provide a more representative simulation of the socket based on the customer’s package layout with a focus on the high-speed areas of the device.
Smiths Interconnect announced the launch of its Volta 200 Series Probe Head to Enhance Wafer Test Production Efficiency
A departure from cantilever and more traditional vertical probe technologies, the Volta Series enables quicker test set-up time and online cleaning & maintenance while assuring impeccable site to site planarity. These benefits are a result of using spring probe contacts and a proprietary engineered housing material.
Volta Series Probe Head Wafer Level Testing
型号- 102121-H00,102119-H00,851-0012074-H01,VOLTA 350,VOLTA 300,VOLTA 200,102120-H00,VOLTA 400
Smiths Interconnect‘s Volta line of WLCSP Accelerating Device Brings up and Ramps up Production for WLCSP 5G Mobile ICs
As mobile phone electronics continue to shrink, WLCSP has become the de-facto packaging solution for IC’s going into today’s flagship handsets. Manufacturers need solutions to rapidly debug their new silicon, and quickly ramp it to HVM while achieving aggressive DPPB quality levels.
New Volta 180 Supports Wafer Level Packages and Known Good Dies Test Businesses | Smiths Interconnect
The new Volta 180 Series is an advanced WLCSP test solution that expands Volta product line to include the compact 180um pitch, allowing for a higher number of chips to be tested on each wafer.
Volta Product Pushes Testing Technology Boundaries, Achieving Short Signal Path Enabling Low and Stable Contact Resistance
As phones and smart devices get more powerful, so do the integrated chips that support them. Volta is used for testing the chips (while in their wafer form) that are behind everything from Bluetooth and power management to digital display controllers. Volta helps customers deliver higher quality products by ensuring the chips in them are up to specification, and perform as they should.
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品牌:Smiths Interconnect
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品牌:Smiths Interconnect
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