Ignion reducing the development time of high-performance IoT antennas at Embedded World
The Antenna Intelligence Cloud enables any developer to get the IoT antenna design right, before building any hardware.
Sant Cugat del Vallès, Barcelona, May 25, 2022 – The antenna technology innovator Ignion will be exhibiting at the Embedded World Congress in Nuremberg (21-23 June) in booth 4A-302. Embedded developers will see the latest Virtual Antenna® technology combined with the new Antenna Intelligence Cloud service powered by AWS, allowing any hardware designer to have easy and instant access to IoT antenna design in the cloud without the need for any RF expertise.
Easy cellular IoT certification for asset trackers, smart meters & automotive devices
The conception of any successful asset tracking, smart metering, or automotive telematics project starts with a hardware design centered around the antenna to achieve robust connectivity and make sure cellular certification can be obtained in one attempt. With Ignion’s Virtual Antenna® technology any designer can ensure that the antenna performance is maximized already before building the PCB prototype due to its unique non-resonant and frequency-neutral properties. The result is the first prototype being ready for certification without requiring endless RF design iterations for re-tuning. The antenna is simply adjusted and optimized with a matching network to achieve the optimal and required efficiency to pass the certification, which indirectly also results in long-range and low power consumption.
Ready for Matter with Virtual Antenna® covering any smart home protocol
All the smart home product designers attending the show this year are welcome to visit Ignion’s booth and discover how multi-radio antenna solutions enable longevity of designs given the constant development of wireless protocols and application layers in smart home IoT. The unique Virtual Antenna® technology enables the designer to use the same antenna for any protocol, and easily leverage the same antenna design in future products, regardless of frequency.
Antenna Intelligence Cloud for an antenna design in minutes
Antenna Intelligence Cloud is the latest Ignion service, providing developers with an “RF expert in the cloud” to deliver both antenna integration guidance as well as performance simulation in a matter of minutes, making sure any team gets the antenna design right from the start.
The Ignion team welcomes all developers at booth 4A-302.
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Ignion Virtual Antenna™芯片天线选型指南
描述- Ignion是全球天线的创新者具有验证制造能力,大规模创造新一代的多频段、多用途、即用芯片天线,Ignion的使命是加速物联网的进化,以现成的天线解决方案强化无线生态系统。
型号- NN02-220,NN03-310,TRIO MXTEND™,NN02-101,EB_NN02-101-C-BT,NN02-201,NN03-320,NN02-224,EB_NN02-201-5G,ONE MXTEND™,NANO MXTEND™,EB_NN02-224-1B-2RJ-1P,RUN MXTEND™,EB_NN03-310-M,ALL MXTEND™,EB_NN02-220-1B-2R-1P,DUO MXTEND™,EB_NN03-320-M-GNSS-BT
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最小起订量: 2500 提交需求>
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