InvenSense® Seted a New Industry Standard with the World’s Smallest, Lowest Power Integrated 9-Axis MotionTracking Device
MPU-9250, an integrated accelerometer/gyroscope/compass in a 3x3x1mm package with 9.2mW power consumption, is ideal for mobile devices, wearable sensors for sports and remote health monitoring, and emerging applications.
Jan. 7, 2013——InvenSense, the leading provider of MotionTracking™ devices, introduces a second-generation, category-defining, 9-Axis MotionTracking Device. The MPU-9250, in a 3x3x1mm QFN package, is 33% smaller than the nearest competitor. With only 9.2mW, it is the lowest power 9-axis motion sensing device on the market and offers the best available gyroscope noise and compass full-scale range. This fully-integrated 9-axis device includes a gyroscope, accelerometer, and electronic compass, with an onboard Digital Motion Processor™, and comes factory tested and calibrated. The MPU-9250 is ideal for mobile devices, wearable sensors, fitness watches, and remote health monitoring applications that require a small form factor, low power consumption, and performance accuracy.
“InvenSense is an industry leader with best-in-class, world’s first MotionTracking solutions,” said Behrooz Abdi, President and CEO of InvenSense. “With the MPU-9250, we are moving the industry forward by delivering breakthroughs in 9-axis package size, power, and performance. Moreover, InvenSense is continuing to raise the bar for Motion Interface innovations.”
Ali Foughi, Vice President of Marketing and Business Development at InvenSense noted, “InvenSense is enabling rapid adoption of leading MotionTracking solutions for mainstream consumer applications as well as emerging markets. Our MPU-9250 is the smallest and most cost-effective 9-axis device serving the highly-elastic combo sensor market, which is estimated by Yole Développement to grow to $1.5 billion USD by 2017. Customers are showing increasing interest in our 9-axis solutions which are targeted for smartphones, tablets, wearable sensors for sport and activity monitoring, remote health monitoring, and a whole host of new and exciting applications.”
The MPU-9250 has other compelling advantages beyond size, power, and noise performance breakthroughs. The accelerometer consumes as little as 6.4μA of current in low-power mode. The compass has a resolution of 16 bits and a full-scale measurement range of ±4800µT. The MPU-9250 is supported by the production-proven MotionAppsTM software platform from InvenSense. The MPU-9250 software drivers are fully compliant with Google’s latest Android 4.2.1 Jelly Bean, Microsoft Windows 8, and Windows RT releases, and support new low-power DMP capabilities that offload the host processor to reduce power consumption and simplify application development. The MPU-9250 is sampling now to selected customers with mass production slated for Q2 2013.
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InvenSense® Announces Contextual Awareness SDK for Embedded Developers and Mobile Devices
InvenSense launched a Contextual Awareness System Development Kit (CA-SDK) to further drive the proliferation of wearable sensor innovations. The CA-SDK is comprised of nine sensors and software on a 1.71 in. x 1.46 in. PCB configured into a wearable watchband.
【IC】TDK InvenSense超低功耗超声波ToF传感器芯片,工作电流低于100μA ∣视频
描述- 本资料为InvenSense Inc.生产的MPU-9250运动跟踪设备的规格说明书。该设备集成三轴陀螺仪、三轴加速度计和三轴磁力计,并包含数字运动处理器(DMP),提供完整的九轴运动融合输出。它采用小型QFN封装,具有低功耗、高精度和环境适应性等特点。
型号- MPU-9250
ICM-20948世界上功耗最低的9轴MEMS MotionTracking™器件
描述- ICM-20948是一款低功耗的9轴MEMS运动跟踪设备,适用于智能手机、平板电脑、可穿戴传感器和物联网应用。该设备集成了3轴陀螺仪、3轴加速度计、3轴磁力计和一个数字运动处理器(DMP),具有极低的功耗和丰富的功能。
型号- ICM-20948
描述- 本资料提供了MPU-9250运动处理单元的寄存器映射和描述。内容包括了陀螺仪和加速度计的寄存器映射,详细说明了各个寄存器的功能和操作方式,以及如何配置和控制这些功能。
型号- MPU-9250
ICM-20603高性能6轴MEMS MotionTracking™器件,适用于AR/VR应用,具有1kHz 9轴传感器融合库
描述- 该资料介绍了ICM-20603,一款专为增强现实(AR)和虚拟现实(VR)应用设计的6轴MEMS运动跟踪设备。它集成了3轴陀螺仪、3轴加速度计,并配备了1KHz 9轴低延迟和高精度航向传感器融合库。
型号- ICM-20603
TDK InvenSense(应美盛)SmartMotion®MEMS运动传感器选型表
目录- Motion Sensor
型号- ICM-42688-P,ICM-42605,IAM-20380,ICM-42688-V,IIM-42352,ICM-40609-D,IIM-42351,IAM-20381,ICM-42670-P,ICM-40627
TDK InvenSense IMU PCB设计和MEMS装配指南,适用于ICM/IAM/IIM-4xxxx、2xxxx和MPU-6xxx产品
描述- 本资料为TDK InvenSense公司提供的IMU产品PCB设计、传感器安装和处理指南,适用于ICM/IAM/IIM-4xxxx、2xxxx和MPU-6xxx系列产品。内容包括PCB设计规范、PCB放置和板安装指南、IMU产品处理指南等,旨在确保IMU产品在最终产品中的最高性能。指南涵盖了PCB设计、布局、放置、热管理、振动和冲击防护、存储和处理等方面的详细要求。
TDK InvenSense全面量产ASIL-B惯性测量单元IAM-20685,支持自动泊车和视觉系统等广泛ADAS应用
TDK集团宣布IAM-20685正式量产,这是按照ISO 26262标准为ADAS和自动驾驶汽车系统开发的最小ASIL-B单片6轴MEMS IMU。支持自动泊车、ADAS域控制器和视觉系统等广泛的ADAS应用。该产品简化了汽车ADAS系统的开发,也攻克了其他的技术弱点,这得益于其6轴集成和组件级别的ASIL-B兼容性。在市场上,其高性能和最小尺寸意味着其在集成定位、视觉和雷达模块中是最佳的IMU。
TDK InvenSense ICM-45605和ICM-45686用户指南
描述- 本指南详细介绍了TDK InvenSense的ICM-45605和ICM-45686双接口传感器的使用。内容包括I2C主接口配置、FIFO数据流管理、APEX运动算法支持、操作功率模式、自检功能、外部输入时钟配置、FSYNC同步操作等。指南涵盖了传感器的主要功能、配置方法和应用细节。
型号- ICM-45605,ICM-45686
TDK InvenSense(应美盛)SmartSonic™超声波ToF(飞行时间)传感器选型指南
目录- SmartSonic™ High performance ultrasonic Time-of-Flight Range Sensor
型号- ICU-10201,ICU-20201,CH101,CH201
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