Struggling with OTA? Easier and Faster Your Development using AWS IoT Core!
Online updates for smartphones and computer software have become the norm. The ability to update software as soon as possible when there are problems with the software, not to mention the addition of new functions and improvements, has many advantages. Looking at embedded devices, the number of such devices is gradually increasing, but their full-scale diffusion is yet to come.
The challenge to realizing this feature is the need for additional skills in embedded device software development compared to traditional development. As shown in the following application note, you should configure cloud services and establish robust security measures when using cloud connections.
It realizing increases the complexity of the software. How to implement FreeRTOS OTA by using Amazon Web Services?
Prepared tools for OTA (Over-The-Air).
To solve these problems, RENESAS RX cloud solution has prepared a user-friendly tool called “QE for OTA”. Using this tool, you can easily develop your OTA in just 4 steps, from the settings of the cloud to the execution of the OTA.
QE for OTA V1.0.0 supports software updates using AWS IoT Core. It provides a guided workflow to make the complexities of the OTA procedure much easier. By following this workflow, you can confidently move forward with your development project without making mistakes.
When creating software for 10 IoT devices in manual operation, it would have taken more than 2 hours if you refer to the application notes during development. With QE for OTA, this operating time has been reduced to just 1 minute, and the entire process can be completed in less than 20 minutes Since this process must be repeated until software development is completed, the overall time savings become even greater.
In summary
IoT devices require more development time and resources than in the past because they must undergo sufficient field testing during the prototype stage before being introduced to the market. QE for OTA currently supports the management of a few devices in the prototype phase. In anticipation of managing a large number of devices at the time of market launch, or after the mass production, we plan to link with Fleet Provisioning, a service provided by AWS.
Furthermore, we are planning to support Microsoft's Azure OTA (ADU) from 2023 onward.
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