Virtual Antenna™ changes everything for IoT device makers
The 42 billion connected devices expected by 2025 will need an antenna technology that is not only reliable but that also allows for a speedy product development cycle and shorter time to market. Virtual Antenna™ turbo-charges design cycles for every type of IoT device, regardless of the frequency band or wireless connectivity protocol.
The new whitepaper, “Virtual Antenna™ changes everything for IoT device makers”, covers in detail all aspects of the technical advantages of this new technology, which can easily turn into business advantages for IoT companies. Virtual Antenna™ technology opens the door for accelerated growth and shorter time-to-revenue for IoT device makers.
More than 25 million of Ignion’s antennas have been deployed worldwide. A wide range of IoT companies, including Nordic Semiconductor, Sequans and Sierra Wireless, are using Ignion know-how in their reference chip designs. Customer success stories from various companies, including details about positive business impacts are also available within this whitepaper which shows how Ignion’s Virtual Antenna has changed the rules of the game.
“The Ignion solution has definitely helped us because we’ll be able to launch the product sooner. There’s much less complexity in design and much less time in validation on our side” says Justin Matthews, Wireless Communications Device Architect, Landis+Gyr.
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AI & Machine Learning: Simplifying IoT Antenna Integration with Virtual Antenna® Technology
Ignion has embraced this opportunity Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) to automate the development process for its Virtual Antenna® technology, giving the IoT market access to a powerful, useful and ML-powered digital twin design tool—Antenna Intelligence Cloud™.
Ignion提供Virtual Antenna™技术用于可穿戴设备,以提高物联网生态系统设计效率
Virtual Antenna™技术用新型天线增强器取代传统和定制天线解决方案,以新系列的微型和现成芯片天线组件的形式交付。Comp Tech Sales将其添至旗下可穿戴设备中,和ignion为整个物联网生态系统的最小设备提供更快的设计、更高的性能和效率。
Virtual Antenna® technology: Discover the secrets of thousands IoT product engineers
The advantages of using Virtual Antenna® technology and the Antenna Intelligence Cloud™ integration tool for IoT designs are time-saving, cost-saving, and simplicity at the core of the solution. Ignion’s expertise and laser focus on the need for innovation in this fast-growing complex IoT space make Virtual Antenna® the choice for over 30M deployments.
Ignion Virtual Antenna™芯片天线选型指南
型号- NN02-220,NN03-310,TRIO MXTEND™,NN02-101,EB_NN02-101-C-BT,NN02-201,NN03-320,NN02-224,EB_NN02-201-5G,ONE MXTEND™,NANO MXTEND™,EB_NN02-224-1B-2RJ-1P,RUN MXTEND™,EB_NN03-310-M,ALL MXTEND™,EB_NN02-220-1B-2R-1P,DUO MXTEND™,EB_NN03-320-M-GNSS-BT
一款水下探测器的产品,产品框图如上,需要对水情及水质等各种信息采集上报,产品中涉及到了4G天线,GPS定位天线。Ignion虚拟芯片天线NN03-310是采用Virtual Antenna™技术的虚拟天线产品,它具有非共振、所有频段独立、全向等特征。
Trio Mxtend™-不同PCB尺寸的蜂窝连接
描述- 本文介绍了TRIO mXTEND™ (NN03-310)虚拟天线产品,该产品适用于物联网设备,覆盖698 MHz至8,000 MHz的广泛频率范围。TRIO mXTEND™具有最小的市场足迹和1 mm的超薄外形,适用于高性能的小型物联网设备。文章详细介绍了产品的技术特性、评估板、匹配网络、VSWR和总效率,以及推荐的天线尺寸和辐射模式。此外,还提供了不同PCB尺寸下的VSWR和效率测试结果。
型号- EB_NN03-310-M,TRIO MXTEND™,NN03-310
描述- NANO mXTEND™ (NN02-101) 是一款小型虚拟天线增强器,专为蓝牙和Wi-Fi应用设计。该产品具有极小的尺寸(3.0 mm x 2.0 mm x 0.8 mm),适用于空间受限的设备。它提供可靠且标准化的解决方案,无需定制化。
型号- NN02-101
NN02-201 One Mxtend™-实现5G覆盖。应用笔记
描述- 本文档介绍了ONE mXTEND™,一款适用于5G应用的虚拟天线芯片。该芯片具有小巧的尺寸(7mm x 3mm x 1mm),适用于各种物联网设备,特别是小型、轻便的入门级产品。ONE mXTEND™支持800 MHz至10600 MHz的广泛频段,适用于多种通信标准,包括LTE、LTE-M、NB-IoT和5G。文档还提供了5G频段(3300-5000 MHz)的评估板、匹配网络设计、VSWR和总效率等详细信息。
型号- LQW18AN4N3G80,NN02-201,EB_NN02-201-5G
可穿戴设备的Nano MxTend™:接地层性能评估
描述- 本应用笔记详细评估了NANO mXTEND™虚拟天线在可穿戴设备中的应用性能。该天线专为小型PCB设计,适用于2.4 GHz频段,包括蓝牙、Wi-Fi和Zigbee等通信协议。笔记中分析了不同PCB尺寸和形状对天线性能的影响,并提供了匹配网络设计、VSWR和效率等关键参数。此外,还考虑了人体对天线性能的影响,并提供了相应的解决方案。
型号- NN02-101
Nano Mxtend™(NN02-101)规格书
描述- NANO mXTEND™ (NN02-101) 是一款超小型虚拟天线芯片,尺寸仅为3mm x 2mm x 0.8mm,适用于各种物联网设备。该芯片采用虚拟天线技术,支持蓝牙、Wi-Fi、Wi-SUN等多种无线连接协议,频率范围为2.4GHz至10.6GHz。NANO mXTEND™具有体积小、易于使用、通用性强等特点,适用于资产跟踪、消费电子、智能家居等领域。
型号- NN02-101
最小起订量: 2500 提交需求>
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